

Disaster Responseに関する過去の教訓等の情報

2011-03-15 | おすすめ論文
自分の知人のサンフォード先生からのdisaster responseに関する過去の教訓等の情報を入手しましたのでお伝えします。

Christopher Sanford, MD, MPH, DTM&H
Acting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. of Global Health
University of Washington



Hi Yasu,

Good to hear from you--but I'm sorry it's under these circumstances. Like the rest of the world, I've been watching the horrific photos and videos from Japan. Although I'm sure the death toll will be huge, I'm certain that it would have many many times higher had Japan not been so well prepared.

I am happy to send you information on disaster response. One website you might check out is the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice; their website is:


They have a number of presentations archived.
Click "training"
then "Hot Topics in Preparedness"
then "archives"
In 2010 there's one by me on our deployment to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, after their January 2010 earthquake;
In 2005 there's one by me, which is probably similar to the one you heard me give in Okinawa, on Katrina/New Orleans.

One text that I found to be very helpful is "Advanced Disaster Medical Response: Manual for Providers", edited by Susan Briggs and Kathryn Brinsfield. It's been translated into 8 languages; I don't know if one of them is Japanese. Another good text is Disaster Medicine, Second Edition, edited by David Hogan and Jonathan Burstein.

I sent your request to a number of colleagues. We have training sites for our team, but they're password-protected. If I can locate other good online sources of training, I'll send them to you.
Christopher Sanford, MD, MPH, DTM&H
Acting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. of Global Health
University of Washington
Box 354775, Seattle, WA 98195-4410 USA


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