

☆Eu jogo tenis novamente. (Journal)

2011-08-01 12:43:55 | social
●I play tennis again.

I started to play tennis in my third year of elementary school, which it was about 38years ago.

In my second year of elementary school, I moved from Kobe to Nishinomiya city.
I thought I moved from modern city to country.
Because the seaside of Nishinomiya city was liked a fishing village in those days.

There were sand beach and fishing hole.
And wooden fishing boat making sound “put-put” was sailing in the sea.
It came and went between the sand beach and offshore net farm. (沖の網場)

At the fishing hole, we can sea eels and other fishes and felt smell of ocean.

Although it was a fishing village, there were also some resort houses of private companies.

And there were two tennis coats of Mitsubishi corp. near my family home , I saw the tennis players when I was an elementary school student.

By the way I started to play rugby football in my second year of elementary school.
I don’t know if the team now exists , I belonged to the Hyogo Rugby football school which based in Kobe.
My position is the key of scrum, because I run slowly and gained a weight.

But the scrum is bad for people’s growing up, for example for the backbone.
Someday I hurt my backbone for the sake of hard scrums.
And my doctor stopped me playing football.
I stopped playing rugby in my six year of elementary school.

And then the tennis is up!
When I saw the tennis player , I was called by the player who was the manager of the tennis coat. And he coached me the tennis when the coat was open .
It was in my fourth year of elementary school.

The manager taught me “the poor sports ability” the basic of tennis very well.

On the other hand there has been the KOROEN TENNIS CLUB that is traditional and famous for tennis players, and I wished I could be a member of the club

After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the club has less tennis coats than before, but the club was used by some national convention.

I had become a member of the club, but now I am not , because I went to the university in Tokyo and I never used the club.

As mentioned above I had a deep relationship with tennis, I think.

After I became a business man, I could play tennis at tennis coat of my companies in KUGAYAMA before I was about 33years old.

But I only enjoyed playing tennis, so I was not good at tennis.
And I have not play tennis since I was 33years old.
I know the number of tennis coats has been reduced in Tokyo.
However in this year I started to play tennis in a lucky twist

One day when I was in my second year of elementary school , I saw elder people playing tennis.
And now I was at the same age as them.

When I think back, I think that it is more luxury in the old days than now

☆Eu jogo tenis novamente..

2011-08-01 08:22:20 | social

小学校2年生のときに神戸市東灘区から西宮市に引っ越したときには、神戸のお坊ちゃん(自分で言うのは変だな・・・)がとんでもない漁師町に来てしまった~ という感じでした。




当時のポジションは?  うーむ足は速くなかったですからねぇ・・・やはりスクラムの要・・・2番フッカーというところでしょうか?


ほんとうに基本から教えてもらったな~・・ と思います、この運動音痴に・・・

昔からの名門 香枦園テニス倶楽部があり、
やがてあこがれからこのテニス倶楽部でテニスしたいな~ なんて思ったりしたものでした。

そんな倶楽部の会員に!  なった時期もありましたねぇ・・・でも大学で東京に出てきてしまってからは、ほとんど利用することがなかったので、退会してしまいましたが・・・



しかし、所詮お遊び~ という感じでやっていましたから、全然うまくなりませんでした。





ふりかえってみると、やっぱり昔のほうが贅沢! というか余裕のある人生を日本人はすごしていたのかなぁ・・・という感じがしますわ。

I play tennis again.


2011-08-01 02:44:19 | social
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