オサンポ walk - スズメ見なくね?15 we haven't seen many sparrows?

2017年01月21日 | 日記

In the middle of winter
There are four sparrows
On the edge

奥の方の道路のヘリに、雀が四羽かたまっています。お! っとっと、すぐに激写。
それがダメだったのかすぐに四羽とも飛び立ってしまい、向かい側にあった低い裸木に、四羽バラけて止まったのでこれは絵になる! っと激写しようとしましたら、僅かに遅く、そばをトラックが通り過ぎた瞬間に、四羽とも飛び立ってしまいました。くっぅ…。

There are four sparrows on the edge at the far from the front. Oh, I photographed them!
My action might haven't been good, the four flew off quickly, then they separately perched on the low tree that had no leaves. It's good to be a picture! When I was going to photograph them, a truck passed over, I was just a bit late, the all of them flew off. Oh my...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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