
There is a half moon night
A baby grey starling
Is sleeping
は〜ちかれたび〜(仕事で)とため息をつきながら歩いているともわっと茶色いかたまりのようなものが目のハシに入ったような感じのなんか小さな違和感を感じて「なんだ?」とその左側にクビを向けるとおやおやあらあらまあまあ!「え? トリ? 寝てる?」ワイヤータイプの柵の上にコトリしかもクビ周りに産毛を残したように見えるヒナ? が止っている?! スズメより大きく思えるので…ムクドリとか? しかしなんでこんなところで眠っちまったんでしょう?? すぐそばに大きな木が二本もあるで? それにしても見事にアタマを埋没させて寝ています。ニンゲンがこの珍しい現象にコーフンして写真撮りまくっていても微動だにしません。(スンマセン) いやはやとにかくドーブツ好きなのでこの僥倖に感謝。朝が来て無事に親鳥と合流出来たことを願ふ。まだ親がかりだよねぇ?

When I was walking, I felt tired because of my present work, there are lots of terrible girls at the office, My left eye caught something like a brown round...fluffy, a babe bird?! was on the wire fence, she(he?) was sleeping. Oh my god! Why was she there?? It's bigger than sparrow, it might be grey starling? She got her head into her back completely, never woke up when I crazily photographed her. (Thanks! for giving me a chance) I love animals I was really happy to see her. I hope she could meet up with her parents when morning came, as she seemed that she still needed her parents.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.

There is a half moon night
A baby grey starling
Is sleeping
は〜ちかれたび〜(仕事で)とため息をつきながら歩いているともわっと茶色いかたまりのようなものが目のハシに入ったような感じのなんか小さな違和感を感じて「なんだ?」とその左側にクビを向けるとおやおやあらあらまあまあ!「え? トリ? 寝てる?」ワイヤータイプの柵の上にコトリしかもクビ周りに産毛を残したように見えるヒナ? が止っている?! スズメより大きく思えるので…ムクドリとか? しかしなんでこんなところで眠っちまったんでしょう?? すぐそばに大きな木が二本もあるで? それにしても見事にアタマを埋没させて寝ています。ニンゲンがこの珍しい現象にコーフンして写真撮りまくっていても微動だにしません。(スンマセン) いやはやとにかくドーブツ好きなのでこの僥倖に感謝。朝が来て無事に親鳥と合流出来たことを願ふ。まだ親がかりだよねぇ?

When I was walking, I felt tired because of my present work, there are lots of terrible girls at the office, My left eye caught something like a brown round...fluffy, a babe bird?! was on the wire fence, she(he?) was sleeping. Oh my god! Why was she there?? It's bigger than sparrow, it might be grey starling? She got her head into her back completely, never woke up when I crazily photographed her. (Thanks! for giving me a chance) I love animals I was really happy to see her. I hope she could meet up with her parents when morning came, as she seemed that she still needed her parents.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.