猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 : 西日猫 a cat's got evening sun

2017年07月03日 | 日記

There is a cat that's got
Everything sun in his(her?) eyes
At the car park

アッチを向いていましたが体毛が白いんで見つけちゃいました。あら、こんなとこにいるのね? 写真を撮らせてもらっていると気配に気付いたのか振り向きました。…西日で眩しいのか、ヒトリの時間をジャマしないで下さい、なのか…。その細くした目が告げていることとは…。

The cat I found looked to the other way. It had a white body, it's easier to do that. Are you there? Why? When I photographed him, he noticed me, what I was doing. He looked back at me. I guessed that he might have felt the sun was too bright or, he didn't want me to disturb him. Which was right, about his squinch eyes......

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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