A comic story telling
We laughed at
The performer (rakugo-ka)
まあ、普通は笑うと温度が上がる、かもですが。この場合は、笑って気持ちスッキリ的で、涼しさ感じる(感じたい)、みたいな。(?) 昨日みたいな気温だったら夏もオーケーなんですけど。(?)←これは削除
Usually, it would be turned up a temperature, when we laugh. In case, laughing would make good feelings, so we could be cooler down. (?)(We would like to do so) Yesterday, we had the lower temperature, comfortable. I only like this summer. (?)←delete
*The second story is "Natsu-doro"(a theft in summer). The performer, Gokaidoh Kumosuke"
(Kumosuke is first name), has nice humour to tell this story. I enjoyed myself very much.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
A comic story telling
We laughed at
The performer (rakugo-ka)
まあ、普通は笑うと温度が上がる、かもですが。この場合は、笑って気持ちスッキリ的で、涼しさ感じる(感じたい)、みたいな。(?) 昨日みたいな気温だったら夏もオーケーなんですけど。(?)←これは削除
Usually, it would be turned up a temperature, when we laugh. In case, laughing would make good feelings, so we could be cooler down. (?)(We would like to do so) Yesterday, we had the lower temperature, comfortable. I only like this summer. (?)←delete
*The second story is "Natsu-doro"(a theft in summer). The performer, Gokaidoh Kumosuke"
(Kumosuke is first name), has nice humour to tell this story. I enjoyed myself very much.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.