日乗 diary - お年玉付き年賀葉書 lottery with new year card

2018年07月09日 | 日記

I didn't get a lucky
With new year cards in 2018
But I've got one from a friend

外れた〜と思っていたら、年賀状を下さる方がいて、その中の一枚が当たっていて! 最近の当選切手はホントデザインがかわいいですね。

Our new year card is sold by Japan Post has lottery. The lowest one is stamp, we can get two of 52 yen stamp, they make a set. (A card needs 52 yen stamp) This year stamps are in the photo above. The design of it is lovely!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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