オサンポ walk - 夏の夜の月 the moon in a summer night

2018年07月30日 | 日記

In the summer night
It seemed fire works
But it's full moon

花火? かと思ってしまっていやいや、と眺めていたらワキの方から花火の音がしてきたのであらあらと思って音のする方へ行ってみましたら、花火が遠くで上がっていました。あらま。ホントの花火が。たまや、かぎや。

Is that fire work? No, no, it's moon, I was seeing a bit, I heard some sounds of fire works from a far side, oh? I walked to there then I found there were a few of fire works at the far away in the sky. Oh, I didn't know I could see real ones from here. Good! Nice!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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