ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム : おもしろけしごむ カキ氷三つ / love miniature - IWAKO erasers

2019年09月07日 | 日記

It's really hot & humid today
I need three cups of
Shaved ice

この厳し過ぎる暑さにもうヘトヘトです。なので、手を出すまい、と思っていた、Can Do の「背景ボード」買ってしまいました。「レトロ商店街 -甘味処-」です。

I really can't stand for this stupid HOT & HUMID SUMMER!!! It's too much for me. I've been getting down by that. I thought that I wasn't going to buy this series of the Retro local shopping street at Can Do (¥100 shop), it's a background of a Japanese traditional sweets shop. But I am crazy now, because of the HOT. I lost my control to shopping.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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