ホンヨミ Book-loving 「アンネの日記」The diary of a young girl by Anne Frank

2019年09月28日 | 日記

It's traces of the summer
The diary of a young girl
I read

だが、半分。です。今年の夏に、読んでないんだよな、と思い出し、図書館にリクエストしたら間違ってドイツ語に。過去に半年ほど習ったくらいで読めるワケもなく、英語版をすぐにリクエスト。お勉強も兼ねて、15歳くらいの子が書いたものなら読めるかな? っと思ったのは間違いで、理解度は半分くらい。冒頭の半分、はこの半分、ではなく、一回延長しても読めたのは半分、という事です。残りの半分、秋が来ても読みます。ガンバッテ。

I read a half of the book. I remembered that I haven't read her book yet. It should be good for me if I read the book in English. (I had a mistake to request the book in German by accident at the library. I learnt German for a half year long time ago, it's not enough to read the book) And, I thought that the book was written a young girl who was around 15 years old, so, I might be easier...? But actually, it's not. My English vocabularies weren't enough to read the book. I understand the content in half. Anyway, I had to return it to the library because the return date has just come. I will borrow it again then finish to read the last of the diary. Even if autumn has come.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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