オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 夏の名残りを探す小さな旅 a short trip for looking for a trace of summer

2019年10月01日 | 日記

There is an cicada's exuvia
We can hear her(his?) songs
In the autumn sky


It's now October from today! It's been still hot, hasn't it?! October has an image of cool, my brain is confusing with the gap between the real temperature of today and the image that aren't matching.
Anyway, about the exuvia, was actually in the next photo. Under the tree, there were the side ditch and the puddles. It seems like a dangerous place for her emergence. Why did she decide to do that here? We can never know about it. It's a secret of life.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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