
A cicada was singing
There was a locust on the back side of the leaf
It's October
バッタを見つけた草むらで、耳にするのはツクツクボウシの鳴き声でした。他にも、ジージーと鳴く蝉がいて、合わせて数匹はいたと思います。うーん? これが十月? 初旬ではありますが…。
I found the locust in the park, I heard some cicadas singing, too. A few or, at least ten? It's the first week of October. It's unusual. Oh, my.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

A cicada was singing
There was a locust on the back side of the leaf
It's October
バッタを見つけた草むらで、耳にするのはツクツクボウシの鳴き声でした。他にも、ジージーと鳴く蝉がいて、合わせて数匹はいたと思います。うーん? これが十月? 初旬ではありますが…。
I found the locust in the park, I heard some cicadas singing, too. A few or, at least ten? It's the first week of October. It's unusual. Oh, my.
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.