オサンポ walk - 植物plant: ツユクサ an asiatic dayflower

2019年10月11日 | 日記

I just found it
The blue flower, it's Asiatic dayflower
It's blowing an autumn wind

この時期にツユクサ見るっけ? っと思いました。調べると花期は6月〜9月とあるようですが、よく見かけるのはやはり梅雨の頃、との印象が強いです。ましてや今は10月。これはカンペキに、季節が後ろにずれていますね??

I am not sure if I have seen any this flower in October. I checked its flower season, it's between June and September. I think that I see them many times, during rainy season. It's now October. I believe that the season wouldn't be match with the calendar that we use for our daily lives. (?)

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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