日乗 diary - 今日は雨の日 It’s a rainy day today

2020年06月22日 | 日記

It’s raining today 
Not so heavy but heavy 
And windy 


でも毎日更新! を、下手でもなんでも掲げているので、もう目が半分閉じかかっていて、自動手記みたいになっていますが、それもあってのだからの駄文を連ねています。


今日は雨なので、雨の日の気分で寝ようと思います。雨の日の気分? それもたくさんあってどれにしようか迷いますが、それでは今日は、半透明の水玉がふわふわとたくさん浮いていて、その水玉が触れ合うとぽよん…ぽよん…と鳴る微かな音を聞きながら、にします。おやすみなさい…。(これを夜以外に読んじゃった方はお昼寝…)

It’s been raining all the day. We also had strong winds. I was busy all the day the same as others. But I am writing even the essay wouldn’t be well, as I decided to write some essay everyday.

My eyes are now closing, I cannot be sure what I am writing but anyway. I like listening to raining sounds, they have various variations. I also like listening to the sound of that rain hitting on an umbrella. If I wouldn’t get wet. In Japan, here is very humid. It’s not easy to get dried when we get wet.

Let’s call it a bed time. Let’s sleep with a rainy day-feeling. Imagine, there are clear bubbles, when they hit each other make sounds like Poyon, poyon, we could hear that. Good night. (When you read this not before bed time, you might take a nap...)

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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