拾って? 置いたヒト? のセンスがいいのかしら?
It might be...someone would have picked it up then put it on the plant...
Who might have a good sense of the last decision?
*not sure about my English...
拾って? 置いたヒト? のセンスがいいのかしら?
It might be...someone would have picked it up then put it on the plant...
Who might have a good sense of the last decision?
*not sure about my English...
This odd glove had a tale, at the top of the pylon on the footpath.
*not sure about my English...
I'm not sure why the trunk was painted by yellow but under that tree, there were clovers blooming that looked like a garden speices and facing to the sun. It's winter though.
*not sure about my English...
It was blowing the cold wind so I felt freezing and walking. I found a cat who was huddling under the bush, like avoinding the wind but got the warm sunlight. As I felt warm by the cat then photographed her(him).
*not sure about my English...
I was picked up then put at the edge of the flowerbed that has some flowers, we are together.
*not sure about my English...
え、この寒さの中で? っと一瞬怯みました。ですが、よくよーく考えてみると別の場所でしたが去年も、この白い花と似たような花を節分の頃に見たような…。園芸種(ですよね?)のたくましさに感嘆。
I was surprised with this flower that was blooming even it's cold winter. I was remembering that I saw the similar flowers to this white flower last year, it was around the same days in Feb. Any garden species would be strong enough to cold winter or hot summer??
*not sure about my English...
I imagine that this kind of lost/dropped gloves who(?) would feel isolated?
I sometimes ask them but I know there is no answers...
*not sure about muy English...
The flower that looked like sow thistle, was blooming to the morning sun. I saw the flower just yesterday.
*not sure about my English...