ホンヨミ Book-loving - 「窓際のトットちゃん」Totto-Chan:The Little Girl at the Window

2021年09月20日 | 日記









The book was published in 1981, written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi who is an actor. The illustration is in English, I read it in Japanse, the book has been translated into many other languages, so you could read the book in  your own language if you'd like to read it.

The story is about her biography...only when she was a primary school student. She was a bit different from other students, so her mum decided to change the shcool then she moved to other school, Tomoe school. There was a nice director who loved students very much, thought all the time what things were GOOD to the students.

Totto-chan was really enjoyable being the student at the school. There are many various episodes, not only happy ones but also sad ones. You could enjoy reading it with Totto-chan's reactions to them, as you could think that they are also about yourself.

The book might remind you of your childhood, even though you had fun or not. What's more, you would remember your pure mind, through your body. Once you take Totto-chan's emotions into your body, you will feel warm in your heart. 

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十六

2021年09月19日 | 日記






「スマ」でいいんじゃないですか? っとかって思ったんですが、でも「ホ」がないと言いにくいかな? ってことでやっぱり「スマホ」?



About smartphone, it was just mobile phone.


In Japan, like the phone of illustration, it was called "shoulder-phone" and born in 1985. Why is shoulder? It means that under the phone handle, there is the black box, it has a strap that can be hanged on a shoulder.

I'm really impressed about the differences between it and iPhone 13. About "13's" advertisement, they tell us the camera of 13, is so brilliant! high spec one. It had no camera, no any other features...in the beginning though.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十五

2021年09月18日 | 日記






There's been mid-autumn, we can enjoy eating steamed-sweet potatoes.


I prefer autumn to summer. It's been like back to summer, so hot&humid. I wish I could have cool autumn and eat the potatoes!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十四

2021年09月17日 | 日記





*余談です:「月に叢雲」の言葉は知っていましたが、その先が「花に風」。そして意味が:世の中の好事には、とかく障害の多いことのたとえ(広辞苑 第六版)ってこと、ジブン知ってましたか? っと目が点になりました。中途半端に記憶している、ことって案外多いのかも知れないです…。


The clouds are covering the moon, that scenery looks like "the one eye that belongs a spiritual creature is peeping".


There are many clouds that are covering the moon, but also there is a little gap so we can see a part of the moon. The thin light looks like an eye that might be... I've got like this imagination.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十三

2021年09月16日 | 日記




真円と言って、いいのではないか? って思うことないですか?


 Any cats, when they sleep, their bodies become true circle.


It's really true, isn't it? You think so, don't you?

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十二

2021年09月15日 | 日記






Leaves are rustling, my skins souds like rustle

(for Japanese, a sound of "rustle" images "dry".


When many leaves cover on a footpath, my skins start to become dry. I'am really happy to get colder when autumn comes...

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十一

2021年09月14日 | 日記






Angering for 10 seconds, blasting out it for 10 seconds.


When we get angry, let's count 6 seconds! So that your angry will bugger off! For me, I need 20 seconds. To know myself, I'm angry for 10 seconds. I'm letting my angry go for 10 seconds. Letting breath out...go away.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十

2021年09月13日 | 日記




会う約束とかで、「あー明日はナシで」みたいな軽いノリでなく、なんかふと、言い様も知れぬ確信? で、「明日は無いんだ」と思ってみたりすることが増えています。やっぱコロナっちのせい・・・?


I have got an idea that there is no tomorrow for me, sometimes.


It dosen't mean, like..."There is no tomorrow to meet up". When we talk about our meeting up, we'd sometimes say like that, it means that I am busy or I've got another appointment. In these days, I think/feel it clearly, frequently, "no tomorrow"... Because of COVID-19?

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十九

2021年09月12日 | 日記









A Meimuna opalifera is singing with the going-summer.


Around my neigbourhood, a last cicada is Meimuna opalifera. There are some kinds of cicadas that live in, they are the one that keep singing until last summer and the beginning of autumn. We could have days that two insects, the cicadas and the insects that sing in autumn, sing together. It's a wonderful day, isn't it?

Their songs are the exact same as when they sing in mid-summer and in early  autumn. When I hear their songs in autumn, I feel something ... like "autumn", lonely. Temperatures, sunlights and winds are different from each other. That's why? My feeling might be close to autumn rather than summer?

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 初めての花 it's the first time to see this flower

2021年09月11日 | 日記

かな? と思われる薄い紫色の釣り鐘様の花を、草地で一本だけニョキッと顔を出しているのを見つけました。

調べてみると、ツリガネニンジンやイワジャシン? に似ていました。彼らのどれかであれば、岩場などを好んで自生する山野草だそうですが、でもどこからそしてどうやってここへやって来たのでしょう??



I think that it's the first time to see it. I found the flower showing up among the weeds in the small field.

I had no idea about its name, I checked it out, it would be Adenophora triphylla, or a group of it. There are many kinds of it... If it is "Adeno...", usually they live on like a scar, closer to mountains. How and from where did it come?

Around here, we have a river and two small forests, but actually, many people live, it's a residential neigbourhood. The field is in there. A bird would have brought a seed or it would have come from a flowerpot...?

*not sure about my English...

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