自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十八

2021年09月10日 | 日記




誰かにもらったんだったよな…と思うもののじゃあ誰に? の、誰が思い出せないまま、たまには指輪でもつけてみっか的なノリではめてみました。因みにその誰かは、確実に女子です。(え、別に、そう思ってたけど、ですか。はい)


I've just worn the ring that I didn't remember how and when I got.


I would have gotten it from someone...but from who? I cannot be sure...anyway, I put on it on my finger with joyful. I'm sure someone must have been a girl. (Well, you believe so, OK, yeah)

*not sure about my English...

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俳句 Haiku - 其ノ十一

2021年09月09日 | 日記

大勢から 秋一本の スキマ草






Apart from the many, being only myself in Autumn, it's a sukima-soh(weed)


For example, keeping an appropriate distance from a flowerbed or a group of plant(weeds), there is only one weed.(like the photo above) When I find like it, I will laugh. I'm simple..., self-degradation or easily amused?

(I'm not sure about a name of the flower)

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十七

2021年09月08日 | 日記






*藪から棒(「藪から棒を出す」とも)=物事のしかたが思いがけないさまのたとえ。「広辞苑 第六版」


From the bush, the lily is coming out.


In Japanese, we have a lot of sayings. The correct one is "from the bush, the stick is coming out".

It means that someone or something suddenly dose something.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十六

2021年09月07日 | 日記




「耳」あり、じゃないの? スズメです。他に二羽が、上のフェンスにいたのですが、アイフォん取り出した途端、いなくなってしまいました。壁の一羽だけ、残って何かをついばんでいました。よっぽど食べたかったんでしょうか。


There is a sparrow on the wall.


There were more two sparrows on the fence over the wall. When I took my iPhone out, they soon flew away. Only he(she?), was being there, to eat something? He really wanted to eat something?

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十五

2021年09月06日 | 日記






Some plant weeds, it is a dry leaf on them. Just because, autumn has come.


It's simimar to the one that I made yesterday.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十四

2021年09月05日 | 日記




秋きぬと目にはさやかにーーー的に、風の中に秋が、的に落ちているドングリに秋を感じ・・・ たいです。もっともっと秋を〜。


There are dropped-acorns, so it means that autumn has just come.


Some old thirty-one syllabled verse tells about the wind that is symbolise autumn. Those acorns can be, too? I prefer Autumn to summer.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十三

2021年09月04日 | 日記




やっぱり、「何か」載ってたり、するんでしょうか・・・。あと、カラダ全体が重く感じる時も。いやいや。 単に鉄不足(?)で感じているに過ぎないカラダのかったるさを、そんな風に思ってみたりしても、かったるいままさ。


I don't think it's shoulder discomfort but I feel it's heavy.


Well, there would be something like spiritual things on my shoulders?? What's more, I feel sometimes heavy throughout the body. Oh, wouldn't be. Let's think about that simply. I might haven't got enough iron insufficiency, so I feel languid? Anyway, if I think so, I still feel languid...

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十二

2021年09月03日 | 日記






It's September, let's do(sell) Halloween(goods)!


I have just started to see a lot of Halloween goods at any shops, anywhere else when the September started. Well, until the 31th of October, they will be selling many goods of Halloween.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十一

2021年09月02日 | 日記




​暑さにマケナイと気を張って夏を乗り切ってからの、夏バテ・イン・オータムです! 残暑と長雨でおサンポに行けず、自然ネタもなく頭の中もスカスカ&昨日の自由律俳句状態。モゥ〜(ギュウ)プチウツです。


I have a realy suffering from the summer heat when autumn has come.


During the summer, I try to win over the summer heat, so I seem to be OK. But then, when autumn just starts...I feel so tired. It's been still hot, humid & heat days and raining, it's been impossible to go for a walk. I haven't got any ideas from nature in my neighbourhood, my brain is empty & I forget anything soon even if it comes up in mind. Depressing a bit....

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百十

2021年09月01日 | 日記




「これ、自由律俳句だ!」っと思いついても、すぐにメモしないと駄目ですね。さっきのあれ、なんだっけ…ってずっと頭の中でぐるぐるしている ”思いついたこと” が…。


Conceiving of the ideas will vanish away very soon!


When I get some ideas for my writing/blog, I should write down on a note as soon as possible, otherwise they will vanish away, easily. Some ideas came to me but I forgot it soon...what was it, what was it...it is rounding in my head.

*not sure about my English...

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