自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十九

2021年10月11日 | 日記




自律神経が乱れる。から不調になるって言いますよね。今日30度で明日は22度って、こういう温度差に、自律神経って戸惑いますよね? よって明日は体調不良になります。



My automatic nerve is struggling with a difference between warm and cool.


Many people say, automatic nerve is confuse so that we become,  "not fine". It was 30 degrees C today but it will be around 22 degrees C. Automatic nerve don't like this kind of difference. I will not be fine tomorro.

I'm so annyed with that. I knew it already but I have to work tomorrow, too.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十八

2021年10月10日 | 日記






I just delete a photo by mistake, even as it was very important one.


Why did I do it? I've just done today. ONLY ONE PHOTO! But I deleted. I thought that I kept it in a folder but I didn't. It is so miserable, I haven'n sent it to anyone, I haven't made any copies. Such a Bloody thing! 

*not sure about my English

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant :幼木よ♫ a little baby tree

2021年10月09日 | 日記


ドングリ系でしょうか? どこまでいけるか、見守リマス。


I found that baby tree beside the telegraph pole. Around here, many baby&young trees are usually cut by the gardeners and, many of them sometimes blight themselves. That tree has been still growing. I had profound feelings for it.

Is the tree kinds of acons? I will watch the tree.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十七

2021年10月08日 | 日記







Watch out the sky!


"Caution", there were a few of triangle flag that hanging by the wire over the used-be car park, but now it became a small space.

What for? I guess that it would have been for the trucks. Their hights would have had limited. When I saw them in the couldy sky, I imagined another "Caution" but not sure.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十六

2021年10月07日 | 日記







I found a morning glory that was opening even it's October.


The flower's size was around 3cm, small but opening. It looked like a mini-morning glory, lovely! (not sure if there was "mini")

There was also a caterpillar on it. She(or he) was going to emerge from a pupa or would overwinter as a pupal. Hope she will be fine.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十五

2021年10月06日 | 日記




猫好きなら、嬉しいですよね? 特に疲れて帰って来て、それを見つけた時。そうかそうか、そんなにワタシボクのニオイが好きなんだ。お留守番してて、寂しかったんだね、そうかそうか…。



When I come back to home, I was tired, my cat is sleeping on my futon.


If you are a cat-loving person, you will be happy to see it. Oh my dearest, I see, I understand you love my scent. You are missing me while you are waiting for I come home. I see....

Our dream will be expanding to cosmos. Well, this true reason is, the cat loves to sleep on there just because  of a suitable temperature. That's it. No more other reasons!

*not sure about my English...

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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 『空気が読めなくても それでいい。非定型発達のトリセツ』 The book is about kinds of mental disorder

2021年10月05日 | 日記

『空気が読めなくても それでいい。非定型発達のトリセツ』by 細川貂々&水島広子(創元社 2020年)。



しかもそれプラス、「繊細さん」の本を読んだときも「あるある」が多かったので、となると、「繊細さん入ってて、非定型タイプ寄り」のヒト、ってことでしょうか? なんだかメンドがくさいヒトですね。

A Manga artist who has kinds of mental disorder for a such long time but when she met a docter of psychiatrist, her views became clear. It is written in only Japanese. 

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十四

2021年10月04日 | 日記






Even though it's raining, there are many ants.


They seemed that they thought nothing of a little rain. They moved around on the ground as usual. How much rain do they care? I wanted to see them more,  I had got lots of to do even it raining because of I'm adult.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十三

2021年10月03日 | 日記






Not telling but not shutting the mouth.


Being quiet and not telling?  It's not. However, I wouldn't think it would be better to talk everything. But, you have something to tell someone, but you keep quiet. It's bad, isn't it? The balance between telling and not telling would be difficult, I believe.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : なんの木でしょうか。 What is the tree' name?

2021年10月02日 | 日記

結構背が高いです。5メートル? もっとかも知れません。葉の形は、カエデの大きいのに似ているような。そして変わっていると思ったのが、上の写真のように、実というか種でしょうか。葉?のフチに1センチ弱くらいの丸い粒がポチポチとフチ飾りのように数個ついています。それらが葡萄の房のようにかたまっています。木肌はツルッとしています。

The tree is tall. It might be around 5m or more. Its leaves look like kinds of maple. What is most weirdest thing? It is...berry or seed? There are little round(less 1cm) seeds? at the edge of each leaf?. It looks like tiny garnish. Many of them are gathered like bunch of grape. The skin of the tree is smooth.

*not sure about my English...

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