Miyazaki accounted for about 9.2 percent of Japan's total swineherd, which was estimated by the agriculture ministry at 9.9 million as of February 1, 2009. The prefecture also represented 10 percent of the country's total herd of beef cattle estimated at 2. 9 million.
However, although the figures reveal the nation is not overly reliant on Miyazaki's cattle for domestic and foreign trade, with just 35 tons of prime meat exported from Miyazaki every year, the prefecture's premium beef trade will certainly be hard hit this year after agriculture officials halted exports, a ban that will be in place for at least three months.
In addition, experts have been unable to pinpoint the cause of the outbreak of FMD, which was first detected in the prefecture on April 20, and although national and local authorities have increased their efforts to control the spread of foot-and-mouth disease, with an emergency task force charged with containing the disease by cordoning off parts of the countryside and ensuring agricultural vehicles undergo thorough disinfection procedures and a host of other safety protocols, questions still remain about the government's sluggish response to the outbreak.
Such questions are being asked by Yasukazu Hamada, a senior member of the opposition Liberal Democratic Party parliament affairs committee, who has criticized the government for being " very slow" in setting up a task force to prevent the spread of the disease after a suspected case was reported a month ago, the first in Japan since 740 animals were culled in Miyazaki prefecture and on the northern island of Hokkaido in 2000.
Hamada recently described the situation in Miyazaki Prefecture as "painful" and admonished the ruling Democratic Party of Japan government for having not taken the initiative in implementing countermeasures.
Hamada also criticized farm minister Hirotaka Akamatsu for making an overseas trip after the outbreak of the disease was announced, saying that Akamatsu himself should be held responsible for the crisis.
日本の民主党政権の口蹄疫対応が孕む問題点は、野党の自民党の国会対策委員会【parliament affairs committee、但し、定訳は「committee of the National Diet」】の幹部である浜田靖一氏【および、江藤拓衆議院議員等】によって追及されている。浜田氏は、2000年に宮崎県と日本北部の島である北海道で合わせて740頭の家畜が殺処分されて以来となる今回の口蹄疫の発症が政府に報告された1ヵ月前の時点から、この伝染病の拡大を防ぐための特別チームが立ち上げられるまでに時間がかかりすぎたこと、すなわち、民主党政権の対応の「凄まじい緩慢さ」を批判している。
Further adding validity to suggestions of negligence by the local and central government, the Miyazaki prefectural government said vaccines for roughly 100,000 animals have not yet arrived and it could take at least three to four days to complete the shots for all 205,000 animals as there is a lack of manpower in the area to administer them.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations pointed out that the vaccination of the animals, even if they are already infected, slows down the spread of the disease to healthy animals as has been seen in a similar case in the Netherlands where vaccines were used.
As Hatoyama scrambles to contain a problem that could have been quashed a month prior to the official announcement of the outbreak of FMD in Miyazaki, the opposition LDP are taking aim at Akamatsu' s incompetent handling of the affair and will submit a no- confidence motion against the farm minister and a censure motion to the upper house if the no-confidence motion is rejected.
国連食糧農業機関によれば、家畜へのワクチンの投与は、それらの家畜がたとえすでに口蹄疫に感染しているとしても口蹄疫の流行の拡大を遅らせるということ。実際にワクチンが使われた(as the vaccination of the animals has been seen)オランダの類例を見る限りそう言えるとのことだ。
国連食糧農業機関(FAO)の主席獣医官のファン・ルブロス氏は29日までに、 日経経済新聞に対し、宮崎県で口蹄疫(こうていえき)に感染した可能性がある種牛が全頭殺処分 されることに関して「慎重に対処すべきだ」と述べた。
FAOで家畜感染症問題を統括する同氏は、宮崎県の口蹄疫は「先進国ではこの約10年間で最悪」と指摘。2001年の英国での大流行に次ぐ規模で、「中国などで発生したウイルスとほぼ同一。いつ極東から世界 各地に広がってもおかしくない」と警鐘を鳴らす。
日本が開始したワクチンの接種については「メリットとデメリットがある」としたうえで、「接種から効果が でるまで何日もかかるうえ、流行しているウイルスの型に合わないと十分な効き目はない」と指摘した。
FAOは4月末の段階で口蹄疫の大流行について警告を出していた。日本政府の対応に関しては、 「評価は難しいが、感染が広がってしまったことは事実で、将来に備えて対応策を見直すことが重要」と語った。
■関連記事←【なぜか下記すべてリンクキレ? 表現の自由の侵害?】
・赤松口蹄疫 2010年5月17日第一部と第二部【5月18日】
・赤松口蹄疫から鳩山口蹄疫へ:2010年5月18日 その1とその2【5月19日】
・口蹄疫政府対応決定「疑わしきの全処分」/赤松はホント・・・ 【5月20日】
・口蹄疫 国民生活を守らず、国際的信用を失墜させた政府の責任【5月26日】
・口蹄疫 官僚を使った政治主導の見本/電凸しました【5月30日】
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