So long as the Liberal Democratic Party’s coalition holds together, it will not face new elections for three years. That could free Mr. Abe to follow his early economic stimulus initiatives with the type of structural reforms that will challenge powerful vested interests. While Mr. Abe has been somewhat vague about these plans, he has already pushed the country to join trade negotiations that could loosen small farmers’ grip on agriculture. The party has also called for nurturing Japan’s weak entrepreneurial culture and making it easier to hire and fire workers.
Speaking to reporters after the victory, Mr. Abe thanked voters for ending the so-called twisted Parliament, in which opposing parties had each controlled one house of Parliament since 2007, adding to Japan’s political paralysis. But he admitted that he faced a serious challenge in convincing other lawmakers and also voters about changes to the Constitution. (By law, revisions passed by Parliament must then be approved in a public referendum.) ・・・
He said he would also pursue an intermediate step to make the Constitution easier to revise by requiring a simple majority in Parliament instead of the current two-thirds. But making this change would also require changing the Constitution, and gathering enough votes to do so.
自民党主導の連立政権が結束を維持する限り、向こう3年間は連立与党が国政選挙の審判を受けることはない。つまり、この3年間、安倍首相は、強力な既得権益集団(vested interests)に切り込む構造改革をともなった、首相自身が当初から掲げてきた経済刺激の構想に納得の行くまで取り組むことができるということだ。安倍首相のこの構想の具体的な内容は今に至るも些か曖昧ではあるけれど、安倍首相は、農業において中小零細農家の影響力を削ぎかねない貿易交渉への日本の参加をすでに決定した。更に、自民党政権は、日本の脆弱な起業文化の育成・涵養・促進、あるいは、労働者をより自由に雇用もし解雇もできるようにするべきだと訴えている。
Still, analysts said Sunday’s win, coming just seven months after Mr. Abe’s party regained control of the lower house, had made reform of the Constitution feel like a real possibility for the first time since it was adopted in 1947. In interviews outside polling places, voters said that anxiety about China made them willing to at least try some of Mr. Abe’s ideas.・・・
That support could fall once discussion turns to the specifics of constitutional reform, analysts say, with polls showing a majority of voters still resist change to the pacifist Constitution, even as the possibility has become a more widely accepted topic of conversation. “This is not unconditional support for Mr. Abe’s whole agenda,” said Jun Iio, a political scientist at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo. “Public support could evaporate if the economy starts to sour.”