Perhaps as a result, Mr. Abe spent much of the campaign promoting his economic accomplishments, which have included a rally in Japan’s stock market and, with the drop in the value of the yen, a reprieve for the staggering electronics sector and other exporters. Analysts say the main lesson of Mr. Abe’s disastrous term as prime minister six years ago — when he was the first in a series of short-lived leaders — was that he cannot push too hard a nationalistic agenda while ignoring the economy.
At that time, voters soured on him as he failed to address pocketbook issues and focused his attention on right-wing issues like revising school curriculum to end the teaching of what he and his core nationalist supporters characterized as a masochistic view of history that paid too much attention to Japan’s wartime atrocities. He resigned in disgrace after just one year. This time, Mr. Abe has maintained an uncharacteristically moderate tone since becoming prime minister in December and has emphasized his economic program.
当時、有権者は、安倍首相が、右翼的な施策の遂行にかまけて経済関連の諸課題(pocketbook issues)への取り組みを怠ったことを厳しく咎めた。ちなみに、右翼的な施策とは、例えば、日本の戦争中の残虐行為を過度に重要視する、安倍首相やその支持者の中心をなす民族主義的な人々からは自虐史観と看做されている歴史認識を学校現場から排除すべく学校の教程を改正するといったものだ。而して、丸1年で安倍首相は無様に退陣。けれども、今回の安倍首相は、昨年12月の再登板以来、安倍晋三氏らしくもない控え目なスタイルで安倍内閣の経済政策に専心し続けている。
On Saturday in front of a busy Tokyo train station, Mr. Abe evoked Japan’s economic heyday in the 1970s and 1980s. “It’s up to us whether we want to show that ambition again or not,” said Mr. Abe, who punched the air as he stood atop a truck before a cheering crowd. “I say, let’s go for it one more time!”
In one of his few mentions of constitutional reform during the campaign, Mr. Abe sought to allay concerns about his intentions by suggesting that he wanted to retain the provision that renounces war as “a means of settling international disputes.” He also said having a more normal military was necessary if Japan wanted to play a larger role in international affairs, and to act as a full-fledged ally of the United States, its postwar protector.
Some analysts said the reaction of other nations, and particularly the United States, might be the biggest constraint on whether Mr. Abe seeks to revise the Constitution. While American officials have said that they would welcome Japan’s carrying more of its own weight in defense, they also worry that a clumsily handled move away from pacifism could antagonize a region where memories of Japan’s wartime aggression remain raw.
“Abe wants to restore Japan’s place in the world,” said Yun Duk-min, an expert on international relations at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy in Seoul. “But how can he do that if he ignores the feelings of other countries in the region?”
韓国のthe Korea National Diplomatic Academyで国際関係論を研究しているYun Duk-min氏は、「安倍首相は、世界における零落した日本の地位を再上昇させたいのです。しかし、東アジア地域の国々の対日感情を度外視しておいて、そんなことがどうしてできるというのでしょうか」とソウルで語ってくれた。