英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関


one パラ道場-あしながおじさん"Blue Wednesday" de 英文読解(3)

2021年09月08日 07時25分48秒 | 英文読解 one パラ道場

STU48瀧野由美子、輝くような圧巻美脚で魅了 写真集ポストカード画像が解禁



告示:「瀧野由美子」(STU48)。↖令和2年、この方をわが家も贔屓にさせていただきます (^o^)

"Sit down, Jerusha, I have something to say to you."

Jerusha dropped into the nearest chair and waited with a touch of breathlessness. An automobile flashed past the window; Mrs. Lippett glanced after it. 

"Did you notice the gentleman who has just gone?"

"I saw his back."

"He is one of our most affluential Trustees, and has given large sums of money towards the asylum's support. I am not at liberty to mention his name; he expressly stipulated that he was to remain unknown."

Jerusha's eyes widened slightly; she was not accustomed to being summoned to the office to discuss the eccentricities of Trustees with the matron.

"This gentleman has taken an interest in several of our boys. You remember Charles Benton and Henry Freize? They were both sent through college by Mr.―er―this Trustee, and both have repaid with hard work and success the money that was so generously expended. Other payment the gentleman does not wish. Heretofore his philanthropies have been directed solely towards the boys; I have never been able to interest him in the slightest degree in any of the girls in the institution, no matter how deserving. He does not, I may tell you, care for girls."

"No, ma'am," Jerusha murmured, since some reply seemed to be expected at this point. 



say:言う(基本動詞の確認行きましょう。「tell:内容のあることを伝達する」「speak :内容の軽重にかかわらず音声を発する」「say:相手に言葉で働きかける」というニュアンスがあると思います。原則、三者とも自動詞も他動詞もありますが、この基本のニュアンスの違いによって自動詞と他動詞の用法では意味の役割分担が大体決まっています。不明なら辞書に相談しましょう),  a touch of :幾ばくかの, blesslessness:息苦しい状況, glance:ちらっと見る, notice:何かの存在に気づく/何かの行動や判断の必要性を理解する,  

affluential:(≒rich)裕福な, sums:金額(sumと単数形の場合は「数字的の総額」の意味),  asylum's support:(≒donation to the orphanage)施設/孤児院のための支援・寄付(cf.  asylumは「一般的に保護が必要な人々に対する施設」、「a concentration camp:強制収容所」「refugees's camp:難民キャンプ」),  be not at liberty to ~:~をする許しを得ていない, mention:何かについて言及する,  expressly:明確に, stipulate:条件とする, remain:~のままでいる, unknown:無名の/未知の/匿名の(ここでは「anonymous :匿名の」の語感), be accustomed to Vg-ing:(≒be used to Vg -ing)~に慣れている, eccentricity:風変わりなありさま/奇行, 

send through college:大学に(進学させ、そして)卒業までさせる,  generously:気前よく/寛大な,  heretofore:今までのところ,  philanthropy:(≒practical benevolence)博愛/慈善の意向や行為, solely:(≒only )独り~にだけ,  interest:関心を向けさせる,  degree:程度/度合い,  no matter how:(≒whoever)いかに~であろうとも, deserving:賞賛や支援に値する, do not care for:~が好きではない/関心がある, murmur:小さな低い声で言う/ささやく, at this point:まさにこの時点で(cf. at the point of Vg -ing は「まさに~しようとして」の意味です),  



"To-day at the regular meeting, the question of your future was brought up."

Mrs. Lippett allowed a moment of silence to fall, then resumed in a slow, placid manner extremely trying to her hearer's suddenly tightened nerves. 

"Usually, as you know, the children are not kept after they are sixteen, but an exception was made in your case. You had finished our school at fourteen, and having done so well in your studies―not always, I must say, in your conduct―it was determined to let you go on in the village high school. Now you are finishing that, and of course the asylum cannot be responsible any longer for your support. As it is, you have had two years more than most."

Mrs. Lippett overlooked the fact that Jerusha had worked hard for her board during those two years, that the convenience of the asylum had come first and her education second; that on days like the present she was kept at home to scrub. 

"As I say, the question of your future was brought up and your record was discussed―thoroughly discussed."

Mrs. Lippett brought accusing eyes to bear upon the prisoner in the dock, and the prisoner looked guilty because it seemed to be expected―not because she could remember any strikingly black pages in her record. 

"Of course the usual disposition of one in your place would be to put you in a position where you could begin to work, but you have done well in school in certain branches; it seems that your work in English has even been brilliant. Miss Pritchard who is on our visiting committee is also on the school board; she has been talking with your rhetoric teacher, and made a speech in your favour. She also read aloud an essay that you had written entitled, 'Blue Wednesday.'"

Jerusha's guilty expression this time was not assumed. 

"It seemed to me that you showed little gratitude in holding up to ridicule the institution that has done so much for you. Had you not managed to be funny I doubt if you would have been forgiven. But fortunately for you, Mr. ――, that is, the gentleman who has just gone―appears to have an immoderate sense of humor. On the strength of that impertinent paper, he has offered to send you to college."

"To college?" Jerusha's eyes grew big.

Mrs. Lippett nodded.




bring up:(≒raise)議題に持ちあがる, allow a moment of silence to fall:ほんの少しの間ではあるが意図的に沈黙する,  resume:再開する, placid:落ち着き払った, manner:(単数形だから)方法ややり方,  extremely:大変/極端な,  exception:例外, conduct:行為/品行, determine:強く決意する/熟慮の上で決定する(decided よりも重大な決意!),  be responsible for:~に対して責任がある, any longer:もはや, overlook:見落とす,  board:食費,  convenience:便益/都合,  

record:学業等の記録,  discuss:議論する(discuss は他動詞ですよ‼), thoroughly discuss:(≒well discuss)徹底的に議論する,  accusing:咎めるような, bear upon:叱る, prisoner in the dock:(≒prisoner on the trial)被告席の囚人,  strikingly:著しい, black pages:悪い評価,  

disposition:処置・処分/気質,  branch:教科・科目(subject は「主題たる教科」、branch は「領域としての教科」), even brilliant:見事なほど優れている(evenは「bright」の強調語彙brilliant を修飾する比較級の強調表現です), visiting committee:客員視察員/客員諮問委員, school board:校区の教育委員会,(cf.  be also on the school board ≒be also interested in the school board 「教育委員会にも関係している」), rhetoric:国語(=英語)の作文,  in your favour:(≒in favor of you)あなたに好意的な, 

entitle:題名をつける, blue:憂鬱な/落ち込む・へこむ(南北戦争時の「北軍の」、現在のアメリカでは「民主党の」そして「猥褻な」の意味もblueは帯びています。ちなみに、「南軍の:gray」「共和党の:red」),  guilty:有罪,  assume:見せかける/根拠はないけれどそう推測する,  

gratitude:感謝の心,  hold ~ up to ridicule:~をあざけ笑う,  forgive:許す・赦す, appear:~のようだ,  immoderate:並外れた,  on the strength of:~に基づいて, impertinent:生意気で不適切な・無礼な(類義語のindecent は「下品であり不適切な」の語感です。いずれもimproper でinappropriate 「不適切」という語感ですが、不適切の判定基準が少し違います), offer:提供する・申し出る/反抗などを試みる, nod:頷く(語源は「to  shake :揺する」), 



(S70)「Of course the usual disposition of one in your place would be to put you in a position where you could begin to work,」(あなたのような境遇であれば、働き始められるようにしてあげるのが当然でもあり一番自然なのですよ)とありますが、ジュディも、あしながおじさんへの手紙で(もし、大学に行かせてもらえていなかったら)「子守り、タイピスト、帳簿係・簿記会計係、家政婦のどれかになっていただろう」(DL, F. May 30)と述べています。私は、これに加えて、ジュディが西部に移動する気があるなら――あの『大草原の小さな家』(Little house on the Prairie)のローラー・インガルス・ワイルダーと同様に――小学校の先生も候補に入るものの、このレターの記述は当時のリアルな状況を反映していると思います。


そして、アメリカでは、1870年代までは外で働く女性は――独身女性を中心にして――全女性の7人に1人くらい、かつ、家政婦と小学校の先生がほとんどだったのですが、DL の舞台の1910年代には、事務職・営業職・出版編集、それに電話交換等も加え女性の4人に1人が労働力市場に出るようになっていたのですから。







Jerusha Abbott



