英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関


日本を考える<夏>はまだ終らない☆総選挙海外報道-Washington Post総括記事(下)

2009年09月05日 05時47分05秒 | 英字新聞と英語の雑誌から(~2010年)

Hatoyama said the party will meet Monday to form a coalition with two smaller parties. The coalition would give the Democratic Party and its allies more than a two-thirds majority in the lower house, enabling it to control legislation in parliament and pass into law any bills rejected by the upper house.

The election marked the first time in postwar Japan that an opposition party seized power with a majority in a national election. The Democratic Party's capture of 308 seats was a record in the lower house. Final turnout was projected by the Kyodo news agency to be 69 percent, highest since the current electoral system was introduced in 1996.

The upper house is controlled by the Democratic Party, but that could change after an election next year if the new ruling party stumbles.




A stumble is probably likely, given the severity of Japan's economic problems. By the go-go standards of Asia, this country's economy is dead in the water -- averaging about 1.09 percent growth since 2000. In the past two decades, Japan has skidded from fourth to 14th among industrialized nations in per-capita gross domestic product.

On Monday, the Nikkei 225 Stock Average slid 0.4 percent after climbing as much as 2.2 percent.

Growth is desperately needed to pay for pensions, health care and other costly social services for a fast-aging population, 40 percent of which will be 65 or older by 2050. Accelerated growth is also needed to raise enough tax revenue to begin reducing a public debt of $9.14 trillion, the heaviest debt burden in the industrialized world, measured as a percentage of the country's economy.


月曜日【8月31日】のNikkei 225平均株価指数は、一度、2.2%上がったものの、その後、0.4%に下がった。


The Democratic Party says increased growth will come through higher domestic consumption. It says it will give parents $276 a month to raise children, and will also eliminate highway tolls, increase support for farmers and raise the minimum wage.

"We'll make sure the economy recovers by providing benefits to households," Hatoyama said in a speech last week.

But analysts say his party's plans do not add up to a credible strategy for reinventing Japan's export-addicted economy. Voters, too, are skeptical, telling pollsters they do not understand where money will come from for $178 billion in new spending. The party is promising not to raise the public debt or increase consumption taxes for the foreseeable future.

"The Democrat Party actually has no economic policy," said Minoru Morita, a political analyst. "They have no systemic proposals, no New Deal. Without a plan, they cannot overcome the crisis left to them by the LDP. If they drive the economy recklessly, then they could lose big-time in the upper house election next year."





The new government will probably be formed by mid-September, after a meeting of parliament that will pick Hatoyama as prime minister.

One of his party's first priorities is to shake up the elite bureaucracy that has long dominated the government, often molding policy to fit the needs of the country's largest companies.

Hatoyama has said he will dispatch 100 members of parliament to seize decision-making authority in the bureaucracy and bend it so that it serves the needs of citizens.




The Democratic Party has also pushed for greater independence for Japan from the United States, which has about 50,000 military personnel stationed here and is treaty-bound to defend the country from attack.

"Until now, Japan has acted to suit U.S. convenience," Hatoyama said in a TV appearance last week. "But rather than doing so, Japan-U.S. relations should be on an equal footing so that our side can strongly assert Japan's will."

Japan helps pay for the cost of stationing U.S. forces on its territory, a policy the Democratic Party has questioned. It says it wants to rethink the entire agreement that keeps U.S. soldiers here.




Hatoyama has spoken of adjusting the focus of Japan's foreign policy to create stronger trade and diplomatic ties with China, South Korea and other countries.

But in recent weeks he and other party leaders have said they will not seek major changes in foreign policy. Hatoyama said the U.S.-Japan alliance would "continue to be the cornerstone of Japanese diplomatic policy."




・民主党の狂気と純情☆鳩山New York Times寄稿論稿紹介(壱)~(四)







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