

This is no mean for Why Vote Thief’s win of Presidency

2020年11月14日 20時52分58秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

And this is also Counterargument for Video News Show’s Perfomer Jonen’s theory!

I watched again 【DHC】2020/11/11(wed) Tsukasa Jonen × Kent Guirbert × Ippei Orishima【Trano Mon(Tiger's Entrance) News】. And I find myself feeling of  uncomfortable what jonen said.He ended “Denay a series of procedure I will never say anything at all” for a series of commentary about tanbling presidency election procefure to settlement because of irreagal vote.

I always say “Something is wong! No No! Everything is wong”. This big Incident is just fit my cliche. Most of commentary is clever enough to think and analyse every such social problem. But This time is something different I feel… Yes! every body say very similar answer story unanimously. That make me feel something difference.


Let's look back on a series of incidents.


The fact lies as follow 

1)President cannot be elected.Because of so many vote fraud by democratic party.

2)there is no illegal activity for presidency election to repubulic party:Trump side.

3)MrTrump's getting amount of votes is slightly small to biden’s one. Someone say that I saw vote paper for Trump is in garbage box.

4)Vote aggregation system so called “dominion” is not fair system, futhermore lose Tramp’s vote count and add biden’s vote count rubbed from Tramp’s vote.

5)The media, whose ethics and coverage have completely disappeared, plans to make Biden's victory a loud fact.

6)A government official said, "It is not the authority of the worst media to decide the president," declares that worst media, who has abandoned the obligation and significance of public broadcasting, is melely "a hindrance to justice." but what should do with these apparent and no embarraasment of its incredible ethic fault, and the time has passed the harder accuse lack of MrTrump’s number vote for presidency election.

Dull jark Jonen and pity my religious Mr watanabe. I dare to say You Are Wrong.

Situation 1) to 6) means Mr Trump get weak situation because of Ideal Presidency election activity.

You must recall taught wisdom. The leader of a group should be cunning?

No area of the world on the earth such contempting leader sustain as the social head.

Then what does biden or american so called democratic party did. Thief and fraud and frameup the number of the american presidency vote! And condemn The right nature and activity’s Mr Trump and Say get out of president seat getting together to evil and keeping breaking low worst group = So called Democratic Party. It is worst gag in the world.

So called Democratic Party in america did only contenpt belief and dignity of democracy and Show its violation of spirit of the core true democracy. Fraud as usual, never keep promis, excuse if situation get worse, that is all of so called the american Democratic party’s have done and will do.

The crist say scales fall from the eyes. Now you must look at the scine and turmoil of presidency election vote. And Judge conclusion of these confusion on the your great land!

I only advice you. Believe what truely reliable man say. And Throw away worst idiot who forget what he said.

Who is biden! or Jonen?

I just want to say “Scale of Presidency election must be honest and justice and confidence and no connection to evil group.

In such point, Trump is clear white! On the contrary Biden is all Black Lust Matter.

I only say God Bless best american militia! Winner of American Presidency is always best decent great american militia! If no so, everything is wrong.

