

Do you know full name of President Obama?

2020年12月26日 10時59分05秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

Do you know full name of President Obama?

Barack Hussein Obama II

Yes! His middle name is Hussein. Hussein means ”Revenge”.

That is his Innate mission!

Take His Revenge upon U.S.A. !

Yes He is Natural Bone Evil Avenger upon America with Evil Will Party Demon’sCratic Party!

We All people, Good militia, Devout believer Must Smash and annihilate them all never missing one.

And Next Battle is waiting Next! FuChina War.

China communist party Army also annihilate them all never missing one.

Say and Sing a song ”We are the Champion” of Queen!

