文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

2023年04月24日 17時04分31秒 | 全般

The following tweet harshly criticizes anti-Japanese forces and delinquent foreigners trying to block a perfectly natural amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Rin Kuri
These are the ones using foreigners to guide them behind the scenes, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

Immediately after the illegality of immigration violence was recognized, Kurdish national Deniz called for the repeal of the proposed amendment to the immigration law.

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

Jounouchi Mina
No matter which country you go to, citizens of that country and foreigners have different rights and obligations.
It is wrong in the first place for foreign nationals who came later to demand the same rights as the nationals who have developed the country.
First of all, foreigners should observe Japanese law and order.
You should return to your home country if you criticize Japanese laws wrong.

It's called deportation because we will send them back even if they don't want to go back.
The current law is inadequate because if the person does not want to return, our country has to keep them in custody forever.
Furthermore, our country has given the applicant three chances to correct any deficiencies in the application form (omissions, errors, etc.). 
Pass it quickly and deport these delinquent foreigners.


