文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If he is a scholar, it could be a position at Peking University or Tsinghua University.

2023年03月05日 22時16分39秒 | 全般

The John Dower faction dominates the U.S. historical academy, Alexis Dudden, arguably an agent of the Korean Peninsula, and Carol Gluck, who works for the Asahi Shimbun.
Norimitsu Onishi has been writing anti-Japanese articles for the New York Times and the Washington Post, influenced by anti-Japanese propaganda from China and Korea.
It is the Süddeutsche Zeitung, etc., which has used the news reports of the Asahi Shimbun, which was created with a masochistic view of history and anti-Japanese ideology, and anti-Japanese articles written by people with anti-Japanese ideology, to make Japan into a criminal state on par with the Nazis, thereby mitigating their own crimes.
They have used the Asahi Shimbun articles to continue to plant anti-Japanese ideology in the German people.
Reporters with the worst human qualities and abilities have continued to write anti-Japanese articles.
As a result, a German public opinion poll a few years ago reported that about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
The fact that the worst reporters easily incite the German people shows that there is not much difference in the actual situation from when Nazism prompted them.
They have proven that the mass media can incite and brainwash their readers with impunity.
How did the Ryukyu Shimpo and the Okinawa Times, which control Okinawa Prefecture, report on the recent gubernatorial election in Okinawa?
It would be a fact that we don't even need to know what kind of reporting they were doing under Chinese and Korean manipulation.
It is no exaggeration to say that anti-Japanese propaganda is the reason for the existence of China and the Korean Peninsula.
The following is from Ms. Miki Otaka, published in WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, titled "Introducing Mr. Ishihara" and Chinese Embassy staff.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
The emphasis in the text other than the headline is mine.
When the person visits China, we will bring "a souvenir" to make the person happy.
Souvenirs that they will enjoy
"Ms. Otaka, if you have any connections to Mr. Shintaro Ishihara, I would like to be introduced to him."
In the 2000s, when I was chatting with Mr. S, a Chinese embassy official, about the Silk Road, he said, as if it had just occurred to him.
At the time, Mr. Ishihara was the governor of Tokyo and a man on a meteoric rise, and to a novice journalist like myself, he was a man on a cloud.
"There was no way I had any connections! But why Mr. Ishihara?"
Mr. S.
"We want to invite Mr. Ishihara to China."
Mr. S.
"I think it is essential to have someone representing the hardliners against China. But, once he comes to China, he will come to love China."
"Is that how it is?"
Mr. S.
"The leftists in Japan can be left alone. We have invited many people from the mass media to China. Academics, too."
"If he eats a lot of Peking duck and goes sightseeing on the Great Wall of China, will that make him a China lover?"
Mr. S.
No way. (With a look of "you're still an inexperienced youngster") Of course, I would give him a souvenir that he would enjoy. If he is a scholar, it could be a position at Peking University or Tsinghua University. If he is a right-wing activist, it could be money. Most men like beautiful women, too."
I have yet to meet Mr. S, who disappeared in the crowds of Ginza, saying, "Japanese ramen is 100 times more delicious than Chinese ramen. Food must be in Japan."
However, our casual conversation at that time strangely stuck with me.
Jiang Zemin's command and anti-Japanese drama built anti-Japanese facilities all over China. 
Many generations have been raised under the brainwashing of anti-Japanese education.
In 2007, a senior Chinese naval official presented a division proposal to U.S. Pacific Commander Keating, saying, "Let's bisect the Pacific Ocean between China and the United States," and China's blatant ambition became more evident with each passing day.
Since the 1990s, I have been interested in the Five problems (Tibet, Uyghur, South Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Shanghai). I had covered the region, so I thought, "Japan might be next. I have sometimes referred to the episode above of Mr. Ishihara's invitation and stressed that "this is a part of China's manipulation activities" during my lectures.
Even though Uyghurs are oppressed, and in danger, some politicians and officials tried to get by with a misleading statement to curry favor with China, even for the draft resolution condemning China. 
The attitude of the media, which does not report the inconvenient truth for China, makes sense if they were given the souvenir Mr. S. mentioned.
While key Japanese people fell under China's "evil influence," Mr. Shintaro Ishihara was a staunch advocate of Japan's national interests to the very end.
Following the passing of former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui in 2020, the death of former Tokyo Governor Ishihara brought a sense of frustration to the countries oppressed by China and the Japanese who wished to make Japan a decent country, as if a star of hope had disappeared.
However, the most excellent requiem is to keep the light of the deceased's spirit alive and never to give up hope.
This article continues.


