文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The following phenomenon is not limited to Japan. It is the same in Europe and America.

2025年01月30日 12時34分33秒 | 全般
The following phenomenon is not limited to Japan.
It is the same in Europe and America.
Anyone with a "view" would have had the word "plagiarism" flash through their mind when they heard the news of the recent rise of DeepSee.
As I have already mentioned, the beginning of my "view" on this matter goes back a long time.
When searching for something, I noticed that at least two Chinese and Korean professors were on the faculty of the University of Tokyo.
At first, I thought they were professors.
Soon after, Chinese students at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University began to increase rapidly.
They are people who are obliged by the law formulated by Xi Jinping to steal the results of technology and send them back to their home country.
They exist on a completely different foundation from people in Western countries.
It is no exaggeration to say that no one can disobey Xi Jinping's orders.
The Chinese students accepted into the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University must be intelligent.
There must be people who do not consider Xi Jinping's words the ultimate truth.
You can tell by looking at their expressions.
All Chinese students with a proper level of intelligence have a shadow of melancholy about them.
Even so, all of them obey Xi Jinping's orders.
It is the state of China today.

They have been affected by pseudo-moralism, and these happy-go-lucky people have created this situation without any concern, which is hard to believe.
This situation is called "a brain in a flower garden" in certain media circles.

This trend was probably created by the propaganda agents from China and the Korean Peninsula, who have come to dominate the mainstream media and have been strongly supported under various guises.

The research results of Japan's world-class, cutting-edge universities are being leaked to China.
What about Japan's proud major corporations?
They must have been rapidly increasing their recruitment of full-time and contract employees from the two anti-Japanese nations in the world in recent years - China and South Korea - who continue to practice anti-Japanese education in the name of Nazism, taking the media's pseudo-moralistic reporting at face value.

The major corporations they work for have countless unnecessary inspection processes on paper for the government.
The Japanese veteran employees—those who have accumulated skills—were cutting corners in unnecessary parts of the process to speed things up.
Short-term contract employees and the like cannot understand the "unspoken rules and unspoken understandings" in this area.
When they discover this, they report it to their home country and anti-Japanese media, such as the Asahi Shimbun, as if they had caught the head of a demon.

They are anti-authority and anti-big business, and they don't think about Japan's national interests at all. They report that they omitted the unnecessary paperwork for the bureaucrats as if it was a serious criminal act or a flawed operation.
Naturally, this is also transmitted to the world.

The elite class from China and other countries who have been hired as full-time employees don't pay any attention to such trivial matters.
They are not interested in anything other than the research results of the large companies that Japan is proud to show the world.
China is probably familiar with the research results of the large companies Japan is proud of showing the world.
The reality is that scholars who are called the authorities in their field, such as the professors of Todai, are invited to China and are happily going, and the reality that DeepSee and this article are revealing is the result of this.


