文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The only difference is whether you are wearing a tie.

2023年03月12日 09時50分29秒 | 全般

There is no change in what you say or the underlying thinking.
I sent out this chapter on 07/07/2020.
The title of this article has been revised and changed, including the title of the article.
It needs to be re-read not only by the people of Japan but also by people all over the world.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The only difference is whether you are wearing a tie.
After thinking about the difference between a Chinese criminal and an executive of the Chinese government, I have concluded.
That is a word, whether or not they are wearing a tie (all laughing).
What they say or the underlying thinking is the same.
Well, Li Peng was wearing a tie (laughs).
Cruelty is one of the principles of Chinese behavior, as well as a lack of decency and arrogance.
I remember the 2003 Fukuoka family murder.
Three Chinese students invaded a family with a desire for money.
One of the four killed had a tragic way of killing, called Lingchi (a punishment that gradually cuts down raw human flesh and causes pain after a long time).
All three were captured, two sentenced to death, and both executed.
Besides, three mothers and children were killed in Kanie Town, Aichi Prefecture (2009), but the offender was a Chinese man studying abroad at Mie University.
The criminal pretended to be the victim as he fled, making the investigation difficult.
Another case was the Oita couple killed in 2002.
It was committed by five people, including a Chinese student studying abroad, but the murdered man studied at a Chinese school and was looking after Chinese students to give back.
His neighbors loved him as a "Japanese dad," but he was quickly killed by the Chinese people's desire for money.
There are many unbelievable cases.
In 2010, a Chinese shipbuilder trainee also stabbed in Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture.
Moreover, the criminal cut out the victim's heart and brought it home.
I heard from Professor Kō Bun'yū that the PLA teaches how to remove the heart.
Cut the left clavicle of the fallen corpse, and step on the belly as much as you can, and the heart will pop out due to pressure. ‥
For the Chinese, cutting off their heart is the most appealing appeal of their resentment.
This article continues.

2023/3/11, in Kyoto


