文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I know no other politician who has done so much to do Japan all ill turn. 

2023年04月09日 08時57分57秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serialized column that marks the end of Weekly Shinchoreleased today.
A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, who prima ballerinas around the world highly respect, visited Japan.
She spoke at that time about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden, concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
On the other hand, many of those who call themselves artists, such as Oe, Murakami, and Hirano, do not even deserve the artist's name.
They have only expressed the lies created by the Asahi Shimbun and others rather than shedding light on hidden truths and telling them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan but is the same in other countries worldwide.
In other words, only a minimal number of actual artists exist.
This paper also keenly proves that I am right when I say that no one in the world today deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.

Unicameral System
Japan's Constitution has so many birth secrets. 
Biden says it was born in the U.S. "The U.S. wrote that Constitution so Japan would not have nuclear weapons." 
MacArthur wrote in his memoirs, "No, no, no, the Japanese only took GHQ's advice, and the Japanese are the creators." 
He also wrote plausibly that "in January 1946, Kijuro Shidehara came to GHQ and said that he was moved to tears as he held Shidehara's hand." 
However, Shidehara had always been a flirt with the United States.
He broke the Anglo-Japanese Alliance following the U.S. agenda in the Washington Treaty, leading to Japan's isolation.
He also took a soft diplomacy toward China, which could not understand without a slap on the wrist, and many Japanese were killed.
His only pride was his "good English," so he respected English-speaking Americans as gods. 
He also became a proponent of Article 9 of the new Constitution, in accordance with MacArthur's wishes.
I know no other politician who has done so much to do Japan all ill turn. 
Although Shidehara frequently visited MacArthur, there is no record that he ever addressed a proposal for constitutional revision or renunciation of war to the Emperor. 
And the procedure for constitutional change is not legal. 
That is not a problem," said Yasuo Hasebe, a constitutional law scholar.
Because the proposed amendments to the Constitution were published
and enacted after deliberation by lawmakers elected in subsequent general elections.
And he said. Constitutional change was the will of the people. 
But Hasebe does not say whether the general election was legal. 
Instead, GHQ took the liberty of redrawing the district divisions from the traditional middle district system from large to small electoral districts.
It was a Japanese version of a gerrymander. 
GHQ also decided on the candidates.
First, 200,000 influential politicians, intellectuals, and other human resources were expelled from public office and removed from the list of candidates. 
Even in today's Japan, if you remove 200,000 people from the top, not even Garcie would remain. 
GHQ filled the holes, for example, with Communist Party members such as Tokuda Kyuichi, who was imprisoned. 
Shizue Kato, who advocates abortion and sterilization of intellectually retarded children, was one of the candidates "because a great general of the Occupation Army was present. 
For some reason, she and the others recommended by GHQ were all elected, showing that the general election was by no means fair. 
Besides, the preamble of the current Constitution is not in Japanese, and there are many strange things in it. 
It is even stranger that the Diet has not examined or reviewed it for 70 years. 
That is why the House of Representatives Constitutional Review Committee is now held every week, albeit belatedly. 
Given the public sentiment, it would not be surprising if they were held daily. Still, Hiroyuki Konishi of the Democratic Party of Japan's Constitutional Democratic Party said, "Every week is too much, just like a monkey who thinks nothing of it." 
It's like a metaphor for the endless masturbation of monkeys, and the language is unrefined.
This man is a graduate of Tokyo University and claims to be a constitutional scholar.
He once asked Prime Minister Abe if he knew Nobuyoshi Ashibe. 
Ashibe was Toshiyoshi Miyazawa's first disciple.
As the dean of the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law, Miyazawa had to say something about the situation in which GHQ imposed a U.S.-made constitution. 
If he said it was clearly illegal, he would be purged.
And he justified the GHQ Constitution by advocating the August Revolution theory, which he realized had resulted in national sovereignty.
Thanks to this, he was made a member of the House of Lords by GHQ.
Miyazawa is a person who distorts academics and favors the U.S. 
Ashibe, following his teacher, even said that constitutional studies should be based entirely on the U.S. Constitution. 
There is no way Shinzo Abe would know such a flatterer scholar. 
Konishi was arrogant to Mr. Shinzo Abe, who wondered if he could talk about the Constitution without knowing the great authority on constitutional law at the University of Tokyo. 
But how can the Constitution of a country with no separation of powers, no ex post facto laws, and has allowed enslaved Black people to live in the country be so wonderful?
To the casual observer, he was merely brandishing the authority of the University of Tokyo. 
After stalling the Diet session with such empty arguments, Konishi again stalled the Diet session with a lame official document stemming from "a dispute between the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Home Affairs" (Yoichi Takahashi) within the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. 
Asahi, which has always stood by Konishi, has grown a little tired of the situation.
Amid all this commotion, the Asahi published an article by Makiko Higuchi of the Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) titled "If the House of Councillors Cannot Fulfill Its Responsibility as a House of Common Sense," in which she proposed that the upper house be abolished and replaced by a unicameral legislature. 
If the House of Councillors is abolished, it will reduce costs, and deliberations will progress.
Will this also be thanks to Senator Konishi?

2023/4/4, in Kyoto


