文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! Yesterday, I was eating the best Chinese food in Osaka in a luxurious atmosphere with

2025年01月10日 12時01分02秒 | 全般
After sending out the previous chapter, I reread it when I had a "transcendental" experience that only those with a "view" can have.
Why did the recent LDP presidential election result in the birth of the so-meaningless Ishiba administration?
And why is this creating the worst LDP administration in history?
All the LDP members who supported Ishiba have fallen for China's honey and money trap!
In particular, it is the honey trap.
It is a well-known fact that a senior Chinese official has stated publicly that this is a tactic that is far more effective than dropping an atomic bomb.
You fall for the honey trap at the hotel where you stay when you visit China.
It is a well-known fact that this disgraceful behavior is being recorded.
Politicians, businesspeople, media figures, and academics have been invited to or have visited China for various meetings.
In particular, if the video footage of their disgraceful behavior is made public, it will end their political careers.
In other words, it is no different from being instantly obliterated by an atomic bomb.
In the recent Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, China dropped an atomic bomb to prevent the Takaichi administration from being born at all costs.
The atomic bomb was dropped on the former Tokyo University professor who made the unbelievable comment that if Takaichi became prime minister, the Japan-US relationship would collapse, and on the senior officials of the New Komeito Party who put pressure on the LDP.
It is why such incomprehensible results have occurred, why such an ugly cabinet has been formed, and why an administration that is subservient to China in every respect has been born.

Yesterday, I was eating the best Chinese food in Osaka in a luxurious atmosphere with my good friend.
"No politician doesn't like delicious Chinese food. They all love it. They also love the luxurious atmosphere. They love beer and the finest Shaoxing wine. They go back to their rooms in a good mood. Without a moment's delay, there is a knock on the door. When he opens it, he sees the "beautiful women" each Diet member likes, just as the CCP had researched. The CCP has hand-picked and trained more than 5,000 women from all over the country to be part of a "female army" that will seduce their partners sexually. There is no doubt that there is also a male army.
Since ancient times, the Chinese sphere has been the biggest user of this tactic."

Another thing that has become clear to the whole world is that
Ishiba is the same kind of person as Naoto Kan, who was the worst prime minister in Japanese political history.
It goes without saying that if you are a decent person and want to hear about Trump for the sake of Japan, the obvious thing to do is ask Ms. Akie Abe.
However, he met with Masayoshi Son and asked him.
Naoto Kan met with Masayoshi Son at the time and said things like, "We'll build solar power plants on the coast of the disaster area; it's renewable energy. " Then, he shut down all the nuclear power plants in Japan.
Electricity and fuel prices soared immediately.
Companies fled Japan and headed for China.
What disaster will Ishiba's meeting with Masayoshi Son bring to Japan?

Mr. Tarō Asō, Ms. Sanae Takaichi, and the other sane members of the LDP, how long are you going to watch this outrageous situation?
You're just waiting for the day to come, as I believe you are.
Most people believe you are doing everything you can to ensure that the LDP survives.
I hope you won't betray that trust.
If you do, the LDP, which you supposedly love and have devoted your lives to, will be finished.
Japan will be at the mercy of China, the worst dictatorship in history.
The patience of the majority of the people has only so much to give.
The mass media, including the Asahi Shimbun, the Komeito Party, and the machinations of China, are trying to destroy you, that is, the LDP, and their attitude of trying to achieve outrageous things like separate family names for husbands and wives, etc., should not be allowed to continue.
If Mr. Abe were alive, you would know that it is impossible to allow the machinations of the Korean Peninsula and China, which are trying to destroy Japan, to run rampant.
If you truly know the greatness of Mr. Abe and are convinced that Japan must continue his politics, then this time, you must not miss your chance.
You must never forget that the rise and fall of Japan is resting on your shoulders right now.
You must save Japan from their schemes.
There is no other mission for you than this.
If you do not do it, you will be branded in history as traitors, on a par with them.
Japan is not in a position to be saying irresponsible, foolish things like "do as you please" or "destroy the LDP" (as it always has).
You must rise with accurate intelligence and patriotism, risking your lives against the cunning of the Chinese and their stupidity.
The matter is genuinely urgent.
Most Japanese people are frustrated that you are the only one who can do it.



