Ryusho Kadota
Cabinet support will continue to fall "bottomlessly" from now on.
When it reaches the low 20s, it will make various moves within the party.
It will be a miserable plight if it drops to the teens and has no centripetal force.
The forced tax hike, as he showed in the LGBT bill, is also a red light.
Even if he averts a general election at the extraordinary Diet session in the fall, the offense and defense of a tax hike at the end of the year will be insurmountable.
It is the pitiful fate of Prime Minister Kishida, who has zero ability to listen.
Quoted tweets
Yoichi Shimada
Unlike PM Abe, he has zero bedrock support and will fall without the bottom.
According to a Mainichi Shimbun poll, support for Kishida's Cabinet is at 33%, down 12 points a month.