文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The reports against Japan are fake, just as President Trump has criticized.

2023年07月17日 09時57分06秒 | 全般

The following is a chapter from February 28, 2017.
A friend who had subscribed to the newly released monthly magazine Hanada (840 yen) on the train heading to Kyoto, on 284 pages, entitled "Much More in the Nippon TV" Nanjing Incident "so many questions," Mr. Ara Kenichi, my senior at my alma mater has a good article; it handed me to say.

I saw the program in question and read it all at once.

The impression when I saw the program was, what was this, what was this, who had made this program for what?
President Trump has barred the New York Times and CNN from the press conference room, calling them media outlets spreading fake news.

The New York Times' past slanders against Japan are not just slanderous. Still, the height of disrespect to Japan is the result of ignorance and incompetence, or pseudo-moralism and pseudo-communism, easily manipulated by the anti-Japanese propaganda of the communist one-party dictatorship-ruled Chinese government and the anti-Japanese propaganda of South Korea, which is, in reality, a Nazi state. The media coverage of Japan has been the result of the Trump administration's propaganda against Japan,

The reports against Japan are fake, just as President Trump has criticized.

But if you read ARA's article, which is worthy of my seniority, you will see that the Japanese media, including the Asahi Shimbun, are not only fake reporters but also have been using their propaganda to spread their propaganda against Japan,

Not only does the world have unbelievable media in Japan, which is full of self-flagellation and feels no shame in humiliating its own country anyway, which is nowhere to be found in your country, but it is also a media that is not only fake but also a media that is not even in Japan,

Until August three years ago, it was the leading news organization in Japan,

You will be stunned to learn the reality of what you have been thinking until three years ago in August.


2023/5/15, in Osaka

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