文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Asahi Shimbun appears to have regretted the election results.

2023年01月13日 12時06分25秒 | 日記
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter; tens of millions voted in the election.
On the other hand, the Asahi Newspaper public opinion poll is a sample of hundreds to thousands of levels at most.
The Asahi Shimbun neglects the election's results and intentionally lifts its public opinion survey; its intention is invisible to the reader.
In addition, sour grapes lasted every day.
On 24th October, Asahi Shimbun tried and estimated it, resulting in winning and losing being reversed in more than 30% of the 63 constituencies. The distribution of the opposition is favorable to the ruling party side, bringing out strange premises such as that partition with different thoughts all fighting together.
All votes will not always be collected there if fighting jointly.
I wondered why such a simple calculation is meaningful. Still, it wins in the obsession, saying the united front's win against Liberal Democratic Party's such a person and what such a person.
The Asahi Shimbun appears to have regretted the election results.
On the following day, the results of public opinion polls are announced.
Receiving the results of the House of Representatives election, Asahi Shimbun newspaper conducted a national opinion poll (telephone) on the 23rd and 24th. When asked about the LDP and the Komeito combined with obtaining more than two-thirds of the number of seats, 51% said that 'too much' exceeded 32% 'just right'…
On the contrary, how much is a suitable number that I want to ask but not too much?
It is a survey of unknown meaning.
Is it that it is too much to reduce it?
The day after the public announcement of The Lower House general election campaign, the editorial on 11th October said that the Lower House general election campaign was a referee for Abe 1 strong politics.
From there, they brought out a set of left-wing such as the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets (2013), the 2015 Japanese military legislation, the 'conspiracy' law, remembering a negative image, they 'the separation of the three powers is at stake 'to face Abe 1 strong politics preach how to use one vote.
When reading between the lines, it is only a tone of voting opposition party to destroy Abe 1 strong politics.
Despite these arguments, despite having many suspicious reports during the elections, the result is the LDP won in a landslide.
It comes to want to say sour grapes, too.
After all, even if the Asahi Shimbun denies 'Abe bashing is not a company policy', it seems only to be so.
That tone is probably the biggest problem.

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