文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Xi Jinping, the "wounded dragon" who has no self-control.

2023年08月02日 15時19分22秒 | 全般

Once again, a team of about 30 Japanese engineers working on JR Tokai's Linear Shinkansen is being extracted at high salaries to develop a Linear Shinkansen that will be "made in China"...It can convert the superconductivity and electromagnetic technology of these Lines directly into military technology!
I published this chapter on September 03, 2020.
I am re-submitting it.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but for people around the world.

The following is from an article by Hiroshi Yuasa in this month's issue of the monthly magazine "Hanada" titled "Xi Jinping," the "wounded dragon" who has no self-control.
As many of you know, I am outraged at Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu as a despicable man and a traitor to his country.
What has been happening since the construction of the Linear Shinkansen, one of the crystallization of Japan's best in world technology started at last, is now finally becoming visible.
It is the result of the dark forces that want to delay the construction.
This event proves the extent of Chinese manipulation in Japanese society.
First of all, the public prosecutor's office moved to expose the general contractor.
As this column has noted, we have raised doubts about this.
Who was it that moved the prosecutors?
Next, Governor Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, a well-known pro-China advocate whose favorite book is Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, brought up the environment, the ultimate in pseudo-moralism used by the state to manipulate the public (even if there is a fear of flooding, the water source of the Tenryu River will never dry up). ), and finally delayed the completion of the Linear Shinkansen Line, a project that had taken so many years to complete.
Last night, I learned from reading the above article that what I had written as speculation about the truth behind these events was, in fact, the truth at all.
Preamble omitted.

Pulling Out the Linear Team 
FBI Director Wray also pointed out that China omits a series of efforts to innovate and "steal intellectual property from American companies to compete with the companies that have fallen victim to them." 
It uses the "Thousand Man Program," which attracts the best and brightest from abroad at favorable rates, to seduce scientists to bring American knowledge and technology back to their home countries. 
China leaves no stone unturned, even if it is subject to security clearance theft and export controls.
They use the stolen technology to sell their products worldwide and take over the market by putting the U.S. companies that created the technology out of business. 
Unfortunately, such examples can also be found in Japan.
It is well known that China obtained the intellectual property of Japan's Shinkansen technology, copied it exactly, and sold it to the world under the false pretense that it was China's own technology. 
Again, China has extracted a team of about 30 Japanese engineers working on the JR Tokai Linear Shinkansen at high salaries. It is developing a linear Shinkansen that it calls "made in China.
It can directly convert these lines' superconductivity and electromagnetic technology into military technology!
According to Fumio Ota, a former Japanese admiral who is a member of the planning committee of the National Institute for Basic State Affairs, these technologies can be used for inexpensive rail guns (electromagnetic accelerating guns) that can be fired continuously and for electromagnetic catapults (aircraft ejection systems) on aircraft carriers.
The day will soon come when such advanced technology weapons will be aimed at the Japanese archipelago.
The fuel cell vehicle technology that Toyota Motor Corporation is jointly developing with a Chinese company could also be used in submarine engines for quiet submarine navigation. 
Even though China's colossal market must be addressed, it is hard to imagine how much of the national interest is lost in pursuing short-term economic gains. 
In China, even foreign companies that have entered the country must have "cells" as branches of the Communist Party if they have a certain number of party members.
All corporate activities are monitored, and all technological developments are kept under wraps. 
So the Xi Jinping administration has had its way with military coercion, predatory diplomacy, unfair trade, disregard for international law, cyber attacks, and various forms of espionage.
President Xi has only one goal: to realize his dream of "rising among the peoples" by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the country's founding.
The pandemic has exposed the anti-civilization rudeness of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). 
The Trump administration has accelerated its move against the CCP as a "strategic threat," moving up a gear from its previous definition of "strategic competition.
Even if China takes President Trump's ability to govern lightly, it should not underestimate its national power and the willingness and ability of the U.S. military to do so.
If the U.S.-China confrontation goes this far, clashes may be accidental and sometimes aggressively exploit China's vulnerabilities. 
It is now the unspoken consensus among Washington's diplomatic elite to shift the bona fide "engagement policy" of successive U.S. administrations toward China to a deterrence strategy against China.
Thus, even if the November presidential election brings a Democratic Biden administration to power, the U.S. hard-line policy toward China will not change.


