文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

they are also extremely malicious, leading questions.

2019年12月21日 12時37分43秒 | 全般
I have mentioned several times that Abe is a person who grew up in the right family in a good sense, so his personality is much better than ordinary people.
Thanks to my residence in Kansai, I happened to watch when Prime Minister Abe appeared on a commercial broadcast, discussing things straight.
Thoroughly, masochistic view of history, anti-Japanese thought, post-war education by GHQ brainwashing, or media such as the Asahi Shimbun where only anti-Abe is critical now,
Or other than the opposition party,
In other words, ordinary people, the majority of Japanese people,
It was able to meet the person who was admired. What good-natured human being is it ?.
Against that Abe prime minister,
In a public opinion poll frequently conducted by NHK,
First of all, why he doesn't support Abe,
The fact that he keeps saying 'I can't trust his personality.'
The people who control the NHK news department,
Not only do they prove that they have the same philosophy as the Asahi Shimbun, etc., but they are also extremely malicious, leading questions.
This article continues.
