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and that Kishida readily yielded to them, prove that Mishima had hit the nail on the head.

2023年07月18日 09時25分02秒 | 全般

The current Constitution is the root of postwar "hypocrisy" and took the teeth out of Japanese history, tradition, and culture.
November 26, 2020
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The following is the final volume of a special series of articles in the Sankei Shimbun titled "Yukio Mishima's Legacy: 50 Years after the Resolution.

The current Constitution does not clearly state this national identity.

Yukio Mishima, the writer who committed suicide at the Ichigaya Garrison of the Ground Self-Defense Force (Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo) on November 25, 1970, sought to revise the Constitution of Japan and make the Self-Defense Forces the national military.
He was then seppuku to sound the alarm that the current Constitution is the root of postwar "hypocrisy" and has taken the teeth out of Japanese history, tradition, and culture.

 ◆Factors in Japan's Confusion

What was Mishima's vision of the Constitution?

In December 1944, Mishima established the "Constitution Study Group" within the Tate no Kai, a civil defense organization he had formed.
He presented an 8,000-word discussion paper titled "The Deficiency of 'Japan' in the New Constitution" and began discussions based on it at the first meeting on May 13 of the following year.

He said, "One of the reasons for the current confusion in Japan is that the image of the Japanese nation is unclear. What is Japan's national identity? To put it simply, it is none other than the Emperor himself. The Emperor himself is the national polity of Japan. However, the current Constitution does not clearly define this national character.

According to Yoshio Yamaguchi, a study group member, Mishima began the meeting in this way and warned the group against shortsighted discussions based on the history of Japan from Emperor Jinmu to the present.

 ◆Ugly as Japanese

Mishima then presented "On the Renunciation of War" and "On the Emergency Law" to the study group.
His "Raising the Issue (of the Constitution of Japan)," a collection of three articles including "The Lacuna of 'Japan' in the New Constitution," became the only article he wrote on the Constitution.

In the article, Mishima pointed out the problems with the current Constitution from the time of its establishment, saying, "The current Constitution has the ugliest Japanese literary form as if it were a direct translation of the original text, and was created later as an inheritance method, as if a bamboo had been spliced into a tree, with the mimicry of internal development.
He then stated, "We have the power to create the Constitution of Japan based on Japanese natural law. The issue of the Emperor is the most crucial point of constitutional revision, and no one can talk about it without considering it.
Mishima clearly stated.

He also touched on the method of constitutional revision.
If only Article 9 of the current Constitution is revised, Japan will become easy prey for the U.S. military regime, its independence will be further lost, and its history, tradition, and culture will be further endangered.

*The fact that the Kishida administration forced the passage of the LGBT law, an evil law of rare proportions, was met with outrageous interference in domestic affairs by President Biden and U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel, both of whom embody the folly of the U.S. Democratic Party, and that Kishida readily yielded to them, prove that Mishima had hit the nail on the head.*

The work of the study group continued even after Mishima's death.
In February 1971, the group completed a 200-sheet draft of a revised constitution, "Introduction to the Restoration Bill," but Mishima never saw it.

 ◆"Re-evaluation after 50 years

A former Tate no Kai 1st generation student said, "Sensei (Mishima) said, 'It will take many years to be understood. I thought that the current generation would not understand, but in another 50 years or so, there would be outstanding people who would shed light on our actions and reevaluate them," he recalled.

Mishima said it would be unable to revise the Constitution for another ten years.
However, constitutional reform, which he supposedly appealed for in exchange for his life, has yet to progress even after 50 years, let alone ten years. (Honorifics omitted)




