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交通公園・路面清掃報告「予想以上の厚み」/ Traffic Park, Road Cleaning Report "Thicker than Expected"

2025-03-23 20:54:28 | 路面清掃活動


On March 21, with the severe cold weather gone and the weather showing signs of spring, the road surface cleaning activities were hampered by the unexpectedly thick “sediment puddles” that we encountered.


The road surface cleaning activity in Ako Traffic Park has entered the most serious “sediment puddle” area on the outer road of the park. But unlike the idyllic atmosphere of the “sediment puddle” where the grass is spreading on the surface, the work was, contrary to our expectations, the hardest work.


長さ 約1.8 m 、幅 約1.1 m のエリアの清掃に、予想に反して、4時間掛かった理由は、「土砂溜まり」の厚みが最大 18㎝ にもなっていたからです。

The reason it took 4 hours to clean up an area about 1.8 m long and 1.1 m wide was that the “sediment pool” was up to 18 cm thick.

次回の清掃は今回の隣のエリアになりますが、春の交通安全運転週間までには、あと 5~6日の作業で、このエリアの清掃は完了させる予定です。

The next cleanup will be in the area next to this one, and we plan to complete the cleanup of this area in 5-6 more days before the Spring Traffic Safety Driving Week.

< 喜びの報告 / A Happy Report>

今回の路面清掃の翌日の事ですが、この交通公園でバイク講習している風景を初めて観ました。それも、3月の初旬、利用促進の為の案内活動で訪問した郵便局の方々のようで、この活動が少し報われた様でとても嬉しくなりました。 更に、もっと多くの方々に利用してもらえる様に頑張ります。

The day after the next cleanup, I saw a motorcycle class for the first time in this traffic park. It seemed to be people from the post office we visited in early March to promote the use of the park, and we were very happy to see that our efforts were rewarded. We will do our best to make the park available to more people.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.


Q&A ハンドルをフルロック?/ Fully Lock the Handlebars?

2025-03-20 21:17:06 | 質問 と 回答 ( Q&A )

[Q&A コーナー]に質問が届きました。ぜひ、一緒に考えて下さい。
We received a question in the Q&A Corner. Please think about it with us.

【 GRAに寄せられた質問文 / Received Question 】


"I participated in a motorcycle seminar, and during the practice run on the figure-of-eight section, the instructor who was measuring my time told me to fully lock the handlebars with my arms while using the half clutch and brake, and was taught that this is the fastest way to ride, but please tell me your thoughts?"  [Vehicle : Honda CBR500R]

【 あなたの考えは?/ Your Thoughts? 】


Please take this opportunity to tell us what you think. We will use the survey responses we receive to create an article to answer the questions to the questioners, and the results of the survey tally will be announced at that time.
Answers are by the no-name system, so please, we would appreciate your cooperation.

アンケートフォーム / Survey Form



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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

そろそろ、春、再開します / Spring is coming, so let's start again

2025-03-20 00:09:45 | 路面清掃活動


Today, when I went shopping at the city hall, I was joking with a woman at the store, and I met a passionate person again. He was a city council member who had stopped his car and helped me when I was picking up trash.

すると、彼は開口一番「あの交通公園を使った安全運転講習を、〇〇小学校と△△小学校に提案しますよ」と言い始めたのです。 元気の良い彼はさらに続けました。「頭の上にマークをつけて、児童が車の運転手役をしたり、・・・・」と一気に話しくれたのです。

彼には、「去年一年間、交通公園の路面清掃を行なって、広い道路は全て安全になったので、ぜひ、市民の役に立つようにして下さい」と伝えていたのですが、彼の熱気を見たら動かざるを得ません。寒さを口実に中止していた路面清掃を再開します。 先ずは、1月に行なった箇所の続き、外周路へと深く侵入してきた、分厚い土砂溜まりと芝や草たちの除去です。 ここが、この公園の清掃で一番の手間と時間が掛かる箇所です。

Then, he started by saying, "I'm going to propose to hold a safe driving course at that traffic park for XX elementary school and △△ elementary school." He continued with great energy. "Children could wear marks on their heads and act as drivers, etc." He talked in one go.

I told him, "We cleaned the road surface of the traffic park for a year last year, and all the wide roads are now safe, so please make it useful for the citizens," but seeing his enthusiasm, I had no choice but to act.
I will resume the road cleaning that I had stopped using the cold weather as an excuse. First, I will continue from the area I cleaned in January, and remove the thick piles of dirt and grass that had invaded deep into the outer road. This is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive part of cleaning the park.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

2025 GRAミーティング 報告 / 2025 GRA Meeting Report

2025-03-16 20:31:09 | イベント開催終了後発...

2025年3月9日に開催した『2025 GRAミーティング』の開催報告書(計8ページ)を公表します。
We are publishing a report (8 pages) on the 2025 GRA Meeting, held on March 9, 2025.
We are confident that this report will convey that GRA's activities will continue smoothly in the future.


「学生フォーミュラ」に注目を / Watch out for “Student Formula SAE!

2025-03-14 15:36:49 | オートバイの未来

via 自動車技術会 / Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan


Student Formula” is a competition in which students from around the world compete in car-making techniques. Watch the competition for engineers who are needed in the current era of change.

【 リリースより転載 】


◆第23回学生フォーミュラ日本大会2025 大会概要◆

大会名称      :第23回学生フォーミュラ日本大会2025
開催日時      :2025年9月8日(月)~13(土) *後半の3日間に動的審査実施予定
開催会場      :Aichi Sky Expo(愛知県国際展示場)
公式サイト     :

【 Reprinted from the release] 】

Student Formula is one of the largest scale “Monozukuri Competition” in Japan, in which students from Japan and abroad compete against each other with the aim of nurturing human resources who will lead the future automobile industry.

◆ The 23rd Student Formula Japan 2025 Competition Outline ◆

Name:        23rd Student Formula SAE Competition of Japan 2025
Date:          September 8 (Mon.) to 13 (Sat.), 2025 *Dynamic judging will be held during the latter three days.
Venue :    Aichi Sky Expo (Aichi International Exhibition Center)
Official Website :
Video introduction of the competition (reference):

『 学生フォーミュラ / Student Formula 』


Student Formula, officially known as Formula SAE, was first held in the United States in 1981, where college students and professionals compete in small racing cars designed and built by themselves for performance and teamwork. Today, it is held in many countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Germany, and Japan.


  • アメリカ: 初開催国であり、フォーミュラSAEの発祥地。多くの大学が参加し、競技のスタンダードを形成しています。

  • イギリス: 1998年から開催され、特にヨーロッパでは強豪国として知られています。

  • オーストラリア: 2000年から開催され、地域の大学が積極的に参加しています。

  • 日本: 2003年から「学生フォーミュラ日本大会」として開催されており、国内の大学や専門学校から約70チームが参加しています。日本では、EV(電気自動車)クラスも設けられ、近年その参加チームが増加しています。



  • 静的審査: 車両の設計、コスト、製造方法、プレゼンテーションスキルなどを評価します。
  • 動的審査: 実際に車両を走行させ、加速、コーナリング、耐久性などの性能を競います。
  • 車検: 競技に参加するためには、車両が安全基準や規則に適合しているかを確認するための厳しい検査を通過する必要があります。



  • ICVクラス: ガソリンエンジンを搭載したフォーミュラカー。
  • EVクラス: 電気自動車。近年、EVクラスへの参加が増加しています。




Host Country and Characteristics

USA: The first host country and the birthplace of Formula SAE. Many universities participate, setting the standard for the competition.

United Kingdom: Hosting the event since 1998, the country is known as a powerhouse, especially in Europe.

Australia: Held since 2000, with active participation by universities in the region.

Japan: Held since 2003 as the “Student Formula Japan Competition,” the event attracts about 70 teams from universities and technical colleges in Japan. In Japan, an EV (electric vehicle) class has been established, and the number of participating teams has been increasing in recent years.


Judging Items

The following judging criteria will be used in the competition.

Static judging: Evaluate vehicle design, cost, manufacturing methods, presentation skills, etc.
Dynamic judging: Vehicles are actually driven to evaluate their performance in terms of acceleration, cornering, durability, etc.
Vehicle Inspection: In order to participate in the competition, vehicles must pass a rigorous inspection to ensure that they meet safety standards and regulations.



Student Formula has two main categories

ICV class: Formula cars powered by gasoline engines.
EV class: Electric cars. In recent years, participation in the EV class has been increasing.


Differences between Japan and the World

Japan's Student Formula has had an EV class since 2013, and the number of participating teams has been increasing year by year, but overall it is still a minority. In Europe, on the other hand, the shift to EVs is progressing and more teams are building electric vehicles. In Japan, the design and manufacturing process of the cars built by students is conducted through company-like team management, which is also attracting attention for the practical learning experience it provides.

Student formulas are thus spreading around the world, and while there are differences in how they are held and the characteristics of the participating teams in each country, they all share the common goal of providing students with an opportunity to make things.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.