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GRAミーティング 無事終了! / GRA Meeting is OVER!!

2025-03-09 22:02:52 | GRA活動の目標達成

本日(3月9日)開催の『 GRAミーティング 』は無事に終了しました!

会場参加と委任状参加を合わせて 8名で、活動報告や 2025活動方針、そして ミーティングに寄せられた「意見」や「提案」を検討して、とても有意義な意見があり、思わず、予定時間を遥かに超えた程に、色々な夢に湧いたミーティングでした。

The GRA Meeting held today (March 9) has successfully concluded!

With a total of 8 participants, including those attending in person and by proxy, we discussed activity reports, the 2025 activity policy, and the "opinions" and "proposals" submitted for the meeting. It was a very meaningful discussion, filled with various dreams, and we ended up exceeding the scheduled time.



We will report the details of the "opinions" and the results of our discussions at a later date, so please look forward to it.



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ジムカーナグランプリ 1999 北海道GP / Gymkhana Grand Prix 1999 Hokkaido GP

2025-03-08 20:16:46 | アーカイブ資料の紹介

日本で初めて、ジムカーナで全国を転戦するシリーズ戦を始めた GRA が、1999年、北海道を初めてシリーズ戦に加えて『北海道GP』を開催し、その日の詳しい資料を画像付きで公開していますので、ぜひ、ご覧下さい。

In 1999, GRA, which started the first nationwide series in Japan for gymkhana, held the "Hokkaido GP" for the first time in Hokkaido as part of the series, and detailed materials from that day are available with images, so please take a look.

『 ジムカーナ グランプリ・北海道GP / Gymkhana Grand Prix Hokkaido GP 』


当時の北海道は、現在と較べて、ジムカーナ熱は高くなかったのですが、この「北海道GP」に参加した 49名の内、青森県や埼玉県、千葉県を始めとして、愛知県や京都府、大阪府、そして遠くは広島県などから、15名ものグランプリを転戦している人達が海を渡って参加して、見ていて心熱くなる走りと明るく楽しいイベントになりました。

どうぞ、当日の「参加者リスト」や「タイムトライアルコース図」、「リザルト」、そして楽しそうな画像などをGRA公式Webサイト でご覧下さい。

【 ジムカーナグランプリ 1999 北海道GP / Gymkhana Grand Prix Hokkaido GP 】

Since 1995, this series has been held across the country, with the champion determined by the total points earned throughout the year. Many participants also enjoy sightseeing, and the event has grown each year as a place for riders from various regions to interact and enjoy gymkhana. In 1999, with the cooperation of the Chuo Bus Driving School in Sapporo, it was held for the first time in Hokkaido (Sapporo).

At that time, the enthusiasm for gymkhana in Hokkaido was not as high as it is now, but among the 49 participants in the "Hokkaido GP," 15 came from Honshu across the sea, making it a heartwarming and enjoyable event to watch.

Please check the "Participant List," "Time Trial Course," "Results," and fun images from that day on the official GRA website.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

1999年表、リフォーム完了しました / Completion of the Timeline Reform for 1999

2025-03-07 20:39:05 | Webサイト 作成日記

1年間に 46ものイベントを開催した 1999年の年表のリフォームが完了しました。完成が予定より大幅に遅れましたが、イベント当日の雰囲気がより伝わりやすくなっていますので、どうぞ、年表を開いて、見たい開催イベントをクリックしてみて下さい。

The renovation of the timeline for 1999, which hosted 46 events in one year, has been completed. Although the completion was significantly delayed from the original schedule, the atmosphere of the event day is now more easily conveyed, so please open the timeline and click on the events you would like to see.

特に、「北海道GP」が加わって年に 9回開催した『 ジムカーナグランプリ 』と テーマカラーに合せたライディングウェア と ゲームで盛り上がった『 ジムカーナパーティ 』( 年に2回開催 )をクリックしてご覧下さい。特に、パーティ参加者による「感想文」も、きっと、楽しめると思います。

In particular, please click to see the 'Gymkhana Grand Prix' which was held 9 times a year with the addition of the 'Hokkaido GP', and the 'Gymkhana Party' (held twice a year) which was lively with riding wear that matched the theme color and games. I believe you will also enjoy the 'impressions' written by the party participants.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.


支援(寄付金)を頂戴しました / Donation Received

2025-03-05 00:22:33 | 寄付金受領の報告

内容は、現金 65,000円 と 切手 2,200円 と、大変に高額なご支援でした。深く感謝しております。


Today (Mar. 4), we received a donation via registered mail.The donation was a very generous amount of 65,000 yen in cash and 2,200 yen in stamps. We are deeply grateful.

Any donation will help GRA to continue its activities. We will also send a thank you to those who donated at a later date.

【 公式Webサイト 寄付金報告ページ / Official Website Donation report page


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.


第3回 交通公園利用促進活動 / 3rd Traffic Park Usage Promotion Activities

2025-03-04 21:07:55 | 路面清掃活動



Today (March 4th), as part of the third information activity to promote use of Ako City's Traffic Park, I met with the director of Ako City Post Office and felt a strong sense that my efforts had paid off.



帰り道、仲介して下さった郵便局を訪問して、局長さんへお礼と報告をお伝えして、4月以降、改めて ご紹介戴く様にお願いをしてきました。 これで、郵便の集配でバイクを使う局員の方々の安全に役立つ日が来る事を強く期待できます。


I was unable to meet him on my last visit (2/14) because he was not there, so I made an appointment with the postmaster near my house, and it turned out to be a very good interview.

The postmaster looked over the documents and business card I left with him on my last visit, and was so intelligent that he was aware of GRA's activities, and told me that he also has a strong interest in traffic safety and accident prevention for employees. However, he said that he will be transferred on April 1st, and that he will pass this on to the next person to be assigned.

On my way home, I visited the post office that had mediated my transfer, and thanked and reported to the postmaster, and asked him to introduce me again after April. I strongly hope that this will help improve the safety of postmasters who use motorcycles to collect and deliver mail.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.