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交通公園の利用促進活動、第2回目 / Usage Promotion Activities

2025-02-14 22:30:35 | 路面清掃活動


Today, on February 14th, we conducted the second information campaign to promote the use of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City. We visited businesses that use motorcycles and most bicycle and motorcycle retailers located in the urban area close to the Traffic Park.



The first place I visited was the post office, as they use many motorcycles for collection and delivery, so I thought it would be good information for the operations manager. However, unfortunately, the person in charge, the postmaster, was not present, so I handed the informational documents to the deputy. I will visit again at a later date.


The next visit was to Yakult Sales. At Yakult Sales, they use three-wheeled motorcycles for product delivery, and unlike two-wheeled motorcycles, it is necessary to master a unique maneuverability, so I anticipated that there would surely be a demand to use the traffic park. The center manager who assisted me showed understanding, and since he was from Ako City, he was aware that the traffic park used to be frequently used for training, but now it is no longer utilized due to the deteriorating road conditions, and he expressed gratitude for the road cleaning activities.




その後は、自転車販売店とバイク販売店を回り、概ね 賛同の言葉を頂戴しました。次回、3回目の利用促進活動は残りの地域の自転車販売店や新聞配達所、そして交通公園からほど近い市街地域にある数校の小学校と中学校への訪問を計画中です。


After that, I visited bicycle and motorcycle dealerships and generally received words of agreement. For the next round of promotion activities, I am planning visits to remaining bicycle dealerships, newspaper delivery offices, and several elementary and middle schools located near the traffic park.

I do not believe that this promotion activity will lead to a sudden increase in users. However, if driving skills can be properly acquired through the use of the traffic park, it will undoubtedly protect lives from danger and also safeguard the lives of others, so I believe that even if the number of new users is just one, it holds great value.


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路面清掃日記「3時間で 10 ㎡」/ Cleaning Diary "10 ㎡ in 3 hours"

2025-02-02 22:56:00 | 路面清掃活動

赤穂市の『交通公園』の路面清掃作業は、寒さに怯んでしまい、1月31日が 2025年最初の作業日になりました。炎天下の作業も大変でしたが、やはり、寒風が吹き抜ける河川敷での作業も億劫になります。 しかし、4月の新学期が始まる前には、せめて、外周路で走行が危険なエリアは清掃完了させたいので、完全防寒装備で行なってきました。

Iwas frightened by the cold weather for the road surface cleaning work at the "Traffic Park" in Ako City, and January 31 became the first work day of 2025. However, before the start of the new semester in April, we wanted to at least complete the cleaning of the dangerous areas on the outer perimeter, so we have been wearing full winter equipment.

『 最大のエリア / Areas of Challenge 』

以前、お伝えした通り、コース図の右上の角の部分の作業でしたが、このエリアが公園で最も土砂が溜まって芝生が路面上を覆っている箇所ですから、前回と同様に、約 10㎡ のエリアを 3時間かけての清掃となりました。

As I mentioned before, we worked on the upper right corner of the course map, but since this area is the area where the most sediment accumulates in the park and the grass covers the road surface, we spent 3 hours cleaning an area of about 10 square meters, as we did last time.


『 次回の清掃箇所 / Next Target 』

今回と同じく、公園の外周路で最も危険なエリア・角地の清掃を進めます。が、次回の予定エリアは路面上に分厚い土砂と芝が覆っている箇所です。その為、今回よりも少ない 約 8 ㎡ の清掃を予定しています。そして、次回を含めて あと 3回の清掃でこのエリアは安全にできそうです。しかし、外周路は残り 約 700㎡ ありますので、より危険なエリアを選んで清掃していく予定ですが、春になって暖かくなった時には、きっと、利用する人が増える筈です。そう考えると、完全防寒装備で汗を流す日が続きそうです。

The next planned area is a place where the road surface is covered with thick soil and turf more than this time. Therefore, we plan to clean about 8 square meters, which is less than this time. However, there are about 700 square meters of outer road left, so we plan to select more dangerous areas to clean, but when it gets warmer in spring, I am sure that more people will use it. When you think about it, it seems that the days of sweating in full cold protection equipment will continue.


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頼るのではなく / Not Depend on

2025-01-22 16:19:43 | 路面清掃活動


The other day, in order to promote the use of traffic parks in Ako City, we have been providing information at government agencies, mails, bicycle shops, etc. At that time, a member of the general public who supported the proposal said, "The government should also be more proactive in recommending it." But I told him, "I don't think so."

『 行政が行なうべきか / Should the Government do it? 』


I often hear residents say that the government should be done properly. However, in the case of this traffic park, it is by no means the case that the residents who learned that the condition of the road surface was deteriorating did not clean the road surface, but collected signatures and asked the government to clean it. In other words, I don't think you can unilaterally say that one side is to blame. If you really want to use the park, I think you should clean up the area you want to use.

『 GRAが生まれたきっかけ / How GRA was born

僕が GRAを設立したきっかけも同じです。1980年代、オートバイメーカーのカワサキ(川崎重工業)がオートバイのジムカーナイベントを積極的に開催していて、僕はそれに参加して随分と楽しみました。ただ、経済状況の変化によって、1990年の年末に、一部の地域を除いて、そのイベント開催を中止するという決定を下したのです。

その時、僕は反省をしました。「単に “お客さん” として参加して楽しんでいただけだったのではないか」と考え、次に「本当に楽しみたい事は、誰かに頼らず、自ら運営するべきだ」と決意して、1990年12月に GRAを設立して、翌年1月からイベント開催などの活動を始めましたが、交通公園の利用でも全く同じ事が言えると考えています。

It's the same reason why I founded GRA. In the 1980s, motorcycle manufacturer Kawasaki (Kawasaki Heavy Industries) actively held motorcycle gymkhana events, and I participated in them and enjoyed them a lot. However, due to changing economic conditions, the decision was made at the end of 1990 to cancel the event, with the exception of a few regions.

At that time, I had some regrets. I thought that I was just participating as a "customer" and having fun, and then I decided that I should manage what I really wanted to enjoy by myself and not rely on someone else, so I established GRA in December 1990 and started holding events and other activities in January of the following year, and I believe that the same can be said for the use of traffic parks.


余談ですが、そんな決意で設立した GRA ですから、その活動目標はイベントを開催する事ではありません。オートバイに関心と愛情を抱く人が、いつまでも、楽しく、安全に楽しむ為に、自ら積極的に考えて努力する人を支援して応援をする事です。

As an aside, GRA was founded with such a decision, and its goal is not to hold events. It is to support and support people who are interested in and loving motorcycles and who actively think and work hard to enjoy them happily and safely forever.


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交通公園の利用促進活動、初日終了 / Usage Promotion Activities

2025-01-20 22:34:36 | 路面清掃活動


Today (January 20th), we have been conducting a guide activity to promote the use of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City.
Starting with the city hall, I have narrowed down my visits to departments and companies that affect many people, such as the Board of Education, the local newspaper, the police station, and a large shopping center, but it was easy to get around because it is a compact city.



The first place we visited was the city hall. Here, we visited five departments that seemed to be related, including the department in charge of traffic parks and the department in charge of traffic safety planning. Next, we visited the Board of Education, which is in charge of bicycle traffic safety education at elementary schools, and there was a lot of talk here. After that, I will visit the editorial office of a local newspaper, and if I have a chance, I will write an article about the traffic park.

午後になって訪れたのが赤穂警察署です。訪問すると、昨年の 3月7日に訪問した際に対応して下さった 交通課の 2名の警部補の方は僕の事を覚えて下さっていて、その上で、「あぁ 神戸新聞に載っていましたね!」 とまで言って下さり、スムーズに話に入る事が出来ました。警察としては独自にイベント開催する事は難しいとの事でしたので、「もし、自転車やバイクの運転練習が必要な人を見掛けたら、ぜひ交通公園を紹介してください」と伝えてきました。

In the afternoon, I visited the Ako Police Station. When I visited, the two assistant inspectors of the Traffic Division who responded to my visit in March last year remembered me and I was able to talk smoothly. The police said that it would be difficult to hold an event on their own right away, so I told them, "If you see someone who needs to practice driving a bicycle or motorcycle, please introduce them to a traffic park."
After that, I went to a relatively large bicycle sales corner in the large shopping center Aeon, and told parents who are buying bicycles for their children for the first time that they can practice safely at traffic parks and lead to sales.

その他、幾つかの所を回り、17部もの「案内書」を使いました。その上、殆どが初めてお会いする方々だったのに、予想以上に案内に「共感」して下さる方が多く、「共感」して下さった方の為に用意した7部の資料「路面清掃の記録」が早い段階で無くなった程でした。 どちらにしても、GRAには直接的に収益のある事ではありませんが、全国で最大規模の広さを誇る交通公園を、より多くの人々が気軽に利用して、安全と生活の質も向上させる事に繋がれば本望です。

In addition, I went around several places and lost 17 copies of the "guidebook". On top of that, even though most of the people were meeting for the first time, there were more people who were "sympathetic" to the guidance than I expected, and the 7 copies of the document "Road Cleaning Record" prepared for those who "sympathized" with me were lost early on. In any case, it is our hope that more people will be able to easily use the largest traffic park in Japan, and that it will lead to improved safety and quality of life.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

交通公園清掃の「記録資料」を作成 / ”Records" of Traffic Park Cleaning

2025-01-19 18:59:34 | 路面清掃活動

赤穂市『交通公園』の路面清掃(2024年3月~12月)を記録した資料を作成しました。 先日作成した資料「交通公園を利用してください!」を使う際の補助資料として使う予定ですが、二つの理由から、案内をする全ての人にお渡しするわけではありません。

We have created a document that records the cleaning of the road surface of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City. We plan to use it as a supplementary material for using the document "Please use the traffic park!" that we created the other day, but for two reasons, we will not give it to everyone who will be guiding us.

赤穂市の交通公園は敷地総面積が 4,000 ㎡ ととても広く、全国各地にある交通公園の中で最大級の広さですから、多くの人々が、もっと気軽に利用するべき公共施設です。ただ、長年に亘って路面が清掃されなかったためか、徐々に利用者が減り、今では利用している人は殆どいませんので、先ずは、それを変えたいのです。

One of the reasons for this is that in order to encourage more people to use the traffic park, I believe that the GRA should be like a black child, a presence that supports from behind the scenes.
The transportation park in Ako City is very large with a total area of 4,000 square meters, and it is one of the largest traffic parks in Japan, so it is a public facility that many people should use more casually. However, perhaps because the road surface has not been cleaned for many years, the number of users has gradually decreased, and now there are almost no people using it, so I would like to change that first.

GRAの活動もそうですが、私にとって、生きていく為のエネルギーの多くは「人」との “共感” から生まれていて、 “共感” の輪が広がる事がとても大切だと考えています。そのため、今回の案内活動で新しく出会う人々の中に、少しでも “共感” の気配を感じた時の為に、“共感” を深めていく「きっかけ」の一つとして、この「記録資料」を使いたいのです。 きっと、そんな人との出会いの中から、GRA活動と人生の可能性を更に拡げられると期待しています。

The second reason is that I want to increase the energy to live.
As with GRA's activities, for me, a lot of the energy for living comes from "empathy" with "people", and I think it is very important to expand the circle of "empathy". For this reason, I would like to use this "recorded material" as one of the "triggers" to deepen "empathy" in case I feel even a slight hint of "empathy" among the new people I meet in this guidance activity. I am sure that I will be able to further expand the possibilities of my GRA activities and life through my encounters with such people.
Then, from tomorrow (January 20th), I will go around the city with materials.



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