


2020年09月27日 14時32分20秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学


 つまり、形相またはイデアを、物質化したもの(つまり、たとえば固体状態の物体に、形相を実装したもの。)が鋳型であり、質料は物質中に形状化 informed されたというわけだ。

 研究者たち(∈ _Homo sapiens_、ヒト)が、3連のデオキシリボ核酸(DNA)→3連のリボ核酸(RNA)←→アミノ酸、といった一対一対応を、実験などで解読した。(続けらるべし。20200927)

『覆いをはがれたイシス女神 Isis Unveiled』[または『ベールをとったイシス』(老松克博 訳 2010、2015)]第1巻、〔原文〕310頁が引用されている。




□ 文献 □□□
Blavatsky H P. Isis Unveiled. volume 1.[pdf]


ブラヴァツキー,H.P.(著18**)・ジルコフ,ボリス・デ(編).19??(老松克博 訳 20101201).ベールをとったイシス 第1巻 科学 上 .2+82+2+lix+340+20pp.竜王文庫.[4,600円+税][B2011?]

ブラヴァツキー,H.P.(著18**)・ジルコフ,ボリス・デ(編).19??(老松克博 訳 20150701).ベールをとったイシス 第1巻 科学 下.vi+[341-838]+14pp.竜王文庫.[4,600円+税][B20150904、4968円]


2020年09月25日 15時36分46秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
#秘教、#アリスベイリー、#ジュワ クール大師、#ジュアルカル大師、
#AliceABailey, #DjwhalKhul, #TheTibetan,



  "Be of good cheer, for there is no true of the human spirit; there is no final extinction of the divine in man, for divinity ever rises triumphant from the darkest pit of hell. There is need, however, to overcome the inertia of the material nature in individually and by the nations not engrossed with the essentials of the situation. This shows signs of happening. There is no power on Earth which can prevent the advance of man towards his destined goal and no combination of powers can hold him back." (the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul) through Alice. A. Bailey 1949, "The Destiny of the Nations", p.106).
 ジュワル クール師 the Master Djwhal Khul は、心的遠隔感応 mental telepathy によって、後には心的映写幕 mental screen に映し出すことによって表示して(要文献)、アリス ベイリー Alice. A Bailey を通じて厖大な教えをもたらしたという。それは18冊の本として、1922年から1960年に、Lucis Publishing Companyによって出版された。
Bailey, Alice. A. [the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul) through AAB)]. 1922. Initiation, Human and Solar. xv+240pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis PressLtd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1922. Letters on Occult Meditation. [12+]375pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1925. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. xxvi+1367pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1934. A Treatise on White Magic or The Way of the Disciple. xiv+705pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1955. Discipleship in the New Age Volume One. xvi+847pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1955. Discipleship in the New Age Volume Two. xiii+818pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1964[Third and revised edition. First edition 1947]. Problems of Humanity. 181pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1948. The Reappearance of The Christ. [iv+]208pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis PressLtd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1949. The Destiny of the Nations. vi+161pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1950. Glamour: A World Problem. xi+290pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1950. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle. xi+219pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1954. Education in the New Age. xv+174pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]
["The time to resynthesize the objective and subjective, the extrovert and the introvert civilizations and to achieve a great orchestration of culture is now. Japan was not aggressive until the country learned the trick from the West. Before her doors were forced, her arts and philosophy were in tune with oriental tradition. When she adopted Western technology, she threw overboard her ancient culture. What happened in Japan can happen in the rest of the Orient, but whereas Japan was a relatively small country, China, India and their neighbors are vast and populous. Heaven help us if they re-enact the history of Japan. Our activity in the resynthesizing of the world must include, through our own efforts to understand and appreciate, an appeal to the Orient to preserve and develop the fundamental values in its regional cultures. While the West is seeking the principles upon which peaceful and fruitful living can be founded, the East may provide us with the counter-balance to our aggressive materialism."]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1957. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. xi+[-2+]744pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1936. [A Treatice on the Seven Rays Volume I :] Esoteric Psychology Volume One. xxv+5+460pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1942. [A Treatice on the Seven Rays Volume II :] Esoteric Psychology Volume Two. xi+818pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1951. [A Treatice on the Seven Rays Volume III :] Esoteric Astrology. viii+742pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1953. [A Treatice on the Seven Rays Volume IV :] Esoteric Healing. ix[+1]+771pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1960. [A Treatice on the Seven Rays Volume V :] The Rays and the Initiations. xii+820pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

 アリス ベイリー自身が執筆した本としては、次の6冊がある。

Bailey, Alice. A. 1922[1981 3rd paperback edition]. The Consciousness of the Atom. 163pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1930[1981 3rd paperback edition]. The Soul and its Mechanism. 165pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1968[Revised. 1937, first printing. 1981 3rd paperback edition]. From Bethlehem to Calvary. vii+292pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B198abcde, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1932[1981 4th paperback edition]. From Intellect to Intuition. vii+1+275pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B198abcde, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1932[1981 4th paperback edition]. The Light of The Soul. xv+1+458pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B198abcde, Clothbound.]

Bailey, Alice. A. 1951[1981 3rd paperback edition]. The Unfinished Autobiography. xi+304pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?] [B198abcde, Clothbound.]


Bailey, Alice. A. 1982[Paperback (2nd edition). First printing 1974]. The Labours of Herculeanus: An Astrological Interpretation. [9+]230pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B20000901, $12.00+39.00/20]

 編纂本 Compilation としては、
[Compiled by a student] 1980. A Compilation of Sex. From the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. 12+148pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B198?} [B19851015, Clothbound.]

Stephenson, James. (compiled) 1983. Prophecy on Trial. Dated Prophecies from the Djwhal Khul (The Tibetan) to Alice A. Bailey Transmission of 1919-1949. B198?] [B19851015, Clothbound.]

[Compiled by two students] 1985. Death: The Great Adventure. From the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. xii+2+144pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York; Lucis Press Ltd, London. [B20000901, $10.85+39.00/20]

[Compiled by a student] 1995. The Seven Rays of Life. Compiled by a student from the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul. ix+365pp. [B20000901, $13.00+39.00/20]

 上記のジュワル・クール師の教えの18冊は、『イニシエーション』(仲里訳)と『キリストの再臨』(石川道子訳)以外が、AABライブラリーによって翻訳され出版されていて、2014年3月15日現在での未刊は、『宇宙の火』と『秘教占星学』となっている。 『イニシエーション』は、AABライブラリー(李敬烈、土方三洋)によっても、2008年1月25日に訳書が発行されていた。






ベイリー,アリス.1955(AABライブラリー(土方三羊・高橋弘泰)訳,2002/11/20).新時代の弟子道 シリーズ1 弟子たちへの語りかけ.350頁頁.AABライブラリー.[2,100円+税][B200?????]

ベイリー,アリス.1955(AABライブラリー(土方三羊・大堤直人)訳,2003/7/30).新時代の弟子道 シリーズ2 弟子道での六つの段階・瞑想に関する教え.366頁頁.AABライブラリー.[2,200円+税][B20140120]

ベイリー,アリス.1955(AABライブラリー(土方三羊・荻島松恵)訳,2004/3/20).新時代の弟子道 シリーズ3 個々の弟子たちへの教え(上).477頁頁.AABライブラリー.[2,200円+税][B200?????]

ベイリー,アリス.1955(AABライブラリー(土方三羊・阿部哲夫・荻島松恵)訳,2005/7/20).新時代の弟子道 シリーズ4 個々の弟子たちへの教え(中).476頁頁.AABライブラリー.[2,800円+税][B200?????]

ベイリー,アリス.1955(AABライブラリー(土方三羊・大堤直人)訳,2006/12/20).新時代の弟子道 シリーズ5 個々の弟子たちへの教え(下).526頁頁.AABライブラリー.[3,100円+税][B20070108]

ベイリー,アリス.1955(AABライブラリー(土方三羊・大堤直人)訳,2008/1/25).新時代の弟子道 シリーズ6 イニシエーションに関する教え.526頁頁.AABライブラリー.[2,100円+税][B20140120]









 『イニシエーション』Initiation, Human and Solar **
 『秘教瞑想に関する手紙』Letters on Occult Meditation **
 『宇宙の火(1)』A Treatise on Cosmic Fire ***
 『宇宙の火(2)』A Treatise on Cosmic Fire ***
 『宇宙の火(3)』A Treatise on Cosmic Fire ***(翻訳中)
 『宇宙の火(4)』A Treatise on Cosmic Fire ***(翻訳中)
 『ホワイトマジック・上』A Treatise on White Magic **
 『ホワイトマジック・下』A Treatise on White Magic **
 『新時代の弟子道』シリーズ Discipleship in the New Age
   シリーズ2『弟子道での六つの段階・瞑想に関する教え』 **
   シリーズ3『個々の弟子たちへの教え・上』 **
   シリーズ4『個々の弟子たちへの教え・中』 **
   シリーズ5『個々の弟子たちへの教え・下』 **
   シリーズ6『イニシエーションに関する教え』 ***
 『人類の問題』Problems of Humanity *
 『キリストの再臨』The Reappearance of the Christ **(シェアジャパン出版刊)
 『国家の運命』The Destiny of the Nations **
 『グラマー──幻惑と錯覚の克服』Glamour: A World Problem **
 『テレパシーとエーテル体』Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle **
 『新しい時代の教育』Education in the New Age *(増刷準備中)
 『ハイラーキーの出現・上』The Externalisation of the Hierarchy **
 『ハイラーキーの出現・下』The Externalisation of the Hierarchy **
 『秘教心理学・第一巻』Esoteric Psychology I **
 『秘教心理学・第二巻・上』Esoteric Psychology II **
 『秘教心理学・第二巻・下』Esoteric Psychology II **
 『秘教占星学・上』Esoteric Astrology **
 『秘教占星学・下』Esoteric Astrology **
 『秘教治療・上』Esoteric Healing **
 『秘教治療・下』Esoteric Healing **
 『光線とイニシエーション・上』The Rays and the Initiations ***
 『光線とイニシエーション・下』The Rays and the Initiations ***

 『意識の進化──アリス・ベイリーの講演録』The Consciousness of the Atom *
 『魂とそのメカニズム』The Soul and its Mechanism *(増刷準備中)
 『知性から直観へ』From Intellect to Intuition *(翻訳中)
 『ベツレヘムからカルバリーへ』From Bethlehem to Calvary *
 『魂の光──パタンジャリのラージャ・ヨガ経典』The Light of The Soul **
 『未完の自叙伝』The Unfinished Autobiography *


寺院の教え 第1巻 第13課 宇宙の実験室

2020年08月01日 15時42分15秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
寺院の教え 第1巻 第13課 宇宙の実験室

 『寺院の教え 第1巻』の第13課 宇宙の実験室

ジェフ クラーク・マサナリ コジマ(共訳).1978〔昭和53年〕0315.至上我の光 (286) : 11-12.
に掲載された、「第十三課 宇宙実験室」の訳文を参照しました。

the Teachings of the Temple I

 「Though the scum, the eruption, the tiresome tirade of words, may not be desirable from an exterior standpoint, the ultimate effect of such action on the interior planes is most decidedly helpful during some phases of evolution, or until the power of right concentration is attained.


 「substance in manifestation on the physical plane. The latter is, so to speak, the refuse of the higher planes – the workshop or. [→of?] laboratory where the Meta-Chemists of the Universe are at work, purifying, distilling, and recombining the atoms cast forth from interior planes ; and as soon as the work is completed in any given instance, it is transferred to the next higher plane.


 「 The laws of attraction, repulsion and gravitation will not permit a single atom that vibrates to one key, to remain in the sphere of energy governed by another key, until it vibrates perfectly to the universal chord of Spirit, Soul and Matter. [33]


 「 Spirit and Matter are two poles of Universal Consciousness, and all the intermediate stages between these poles are the battle – grounds and laboratories where countless Souls – Sparks of the Infinite Fire-win or lose the right to eternal individual conscious life ; and where transmutation of gross matter into precious Spiritual Energy is carried on through each great Cycle of Time.


H.P. Blavatsky ブラヴァツキーによる、人と動物の夢見についての解説

2017年11月09日 23時41分35秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
H.P. Blavatsky ブラヴァツキーによる、人と動物の夢見についての解説


 "Transacions of the Blavatsky Lodge"では、H.P. Blavatskyが質問への答えを述べている。そのなかに、p.70以降からp.79までは、夢に関係した箇所となっている。


 答え。夢状態は、すべての人々だけでなく、すべての動物たちにも共通です。もちろん、最も高等な哺乳類から最小の鳥たち、そして昆虫たちにまでです。物質脳、またはそれに近い器官を授けられたあらゆる存在は、夢見るに違いありません。大小のあらゆる動物は、多少とも物理的感覚を持ちます。そしてこれらの感覚は、睡眠中は鈍くされますが、記憶はそれでもまあ言うならば機械的に作動し、過去の感覚 sensations を再生します。わたしたち皆が知る犬たちと馬たちと牛たち、そしてまたカナリアたちも夢見ますが、わたしが考えるにはそのような夢は、単に生理的なのです。発作的に揺らめいたりときたま輝くことのある、消えかかっている残り火と同様に、眠り込むときの脳は、そのように振る舞うのです。夢は、Drydenが言うような「空想が作る合間の出来事」ではありません。そのようなことは、摂取によって引き起こされた生理的な夢か、目覚めている時間に活動している脳にそれ自身を印象づけたある考えか出来事だけを、指すことができます。


 答え。これは一部は、生理学によって説明されています。それは、神経中枢の、とくに脳の感覚神経節の、周期的で制御された消耗だと、秘学徒たちは言います。神経中枢は、この界で活動することをもはや拒否し、仕事に不適合になれないだろう場合は、別の界またはウパーディ _Upadhi_ でそれらの強さを回復するように強いられます。まず _Svapna_または夢見情報様態がきます。そしてこれは _Shushuptiの状態へ導きます。ここで、わたしたちの諸感覚はすべて二重であることを、また、思考する存在者がエネルギーを与える意識の界にしたがって活動することを、思い出してもらわなくてはなりません。」
(H.P. Blavatsky "Transacions of the Blavatsky Lodge", pp.70-71)。


死の過程("A TREATISE ON COSMIC FIRE", pp.734-737)

2016年08月13日 01時14分14秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
死の過程("A TREATISE ON COSMIC FIRE", pp.734-737)

Bailey, Alice A. 1925. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. xxvi+1367pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $60.00+39.00/20]

"To the God Who is in the FIRE and Who is in the waters;
To the God Who has suffused Himself through all the world;
To the God Who is in summer plants and in the lords of the forest;
To that God be adoration, adoration." —Sh’vet Upanishad, II.17.



 上記は、Alice A. Bailey (1925)が、『Shvetashvatara Upanishad シュヴェーターシュヴァタラ・ウパニシャッド』

 Alice A. Bailey (1925) の『A Treatise on Cosmic Fire 宇宙の火に関する論文』に、人の死の過程の段階が述べられている。その部分を訳出することにする。

 (b.) The Nature of Pralaya. We can view pralaya as the work of "abstraction," and as the method which brings the form under the Destroyer aspect of Spirit, working ever under the Law of Attraction, of which the Law of Synthesis is but a branch. The basic law of the system is that which governs the relation of all atoms to the aggregate of atoms, and of the Self to the Not-self. It is (from the occult standpoint) the most powerful force-demonstration in the system, and should the law inconceivably cease to work, instantaneously the system and all forms therein, planetary, human and other would cease to be. By an act of will the planetary schemes persist, by an act of will the system IS; by an act of the egoic will man appears. When the Will of the Logos, of the Heavenly Man, and of the human divine Ego is turned to other ends, the substance of Their vehicles is affected, and disintegration sets in. The five types of pralaya which concern the human unit are as follows:
 (1) The period of pralaya between two incarnations. This is of a triple nature and affects the substance of the three vehicles, physical, astral and mental, reducing the form to its primitive substance, and dissipating its atomic structure. The energy of the second aspect (that of the form-builder) is withdrawn by the will of the Ego, and the atoms composing the form become dissociated from each other, and are resolved into the reservoir of essence to be re-collected again when the hour strikes. This condition is brought about gradually by stages of which we are aware:
 二つの転生の間のプララヤの期間。これは三重の本性のものであり、物質的、アストラル的〔星幽的〕、そして精神的〔心的〕という、3つの乗り物の質料〔構成実質〕に影響し、形態をその原始的質料へと分解し reduce、その原子構造を散らす。第二様相のエネルギー(形態建設のエネルギー)はエゴ〔我〕の意志によって退出され【p.734/p.735】、形態を構成する原子たちは互いに引き離された状態となる。そして、本質の貯蔵庫のなかへと分解される。時が来たら、原子たちは再度、再び集められる。

 The first stage is the withdrawal of the life force in the etheric vehicle from the threefold (dense, liquid and gaseous) dense physical body and the consequent "falling into corruption," and becoming "scattered to the elements." Objective man fades out, and is no more seen by the physical eye, though still in his etheric body. When etheric vision is developed, the thought of death will assume very different proportions. When a man can be seen functioning in his etheric physical body by the majority of the race, the dropping of the dense body will be considered just a "release."

 The next stage is the withdrawal of the life force from the etheric body or coil, and its devitalisation. The etheric coil is but an extension of one aspect of the sutratma or thread, and this thread is spun by the Ego from within the causal body much as a spider spins a thread. It can be shortened or extended at will, and when the period of pralaya has been decided upon, this thread of light, or of solar fire (note the word "solar") is withdrawn, and gathered back to the atomic subplane where it will still vitalise the permanent atom and hold it connected within the causal body. The life impulses are then—as far as the physical plane is concerned—centralised within the atomic sphere.
 次の段階は、エーテル体または渦巻きからの生命力の退出と、エーテル体の非活性化である。エーテル的渦巻きは、ステラートマまたは織り糸 thread の一面の延長にすぎず、この織り糸は、蜘蛛が織り糸を紡ぐように、原因体 causal body 内のエゴによって紡がれる。その織り糸は、意のままに短くされたり伸ばされたりできる。そしてプララヤ〔非活動〕の時期が決定されたときには、この光の、または太陽の火の(《太陽の》という言葉に注意しなさい)、織り糸は引っ込められ、原子亜界へと戻って集められる。その亜界では、縫い糸は永久原子を活性化して、原因体内に縫い糸を結びつけられた状態を保つだろう。生命衝撃はそれから、物質界に関する限り、原子球内部に集中される。

 The third stage is the withdrawal of the life force from the astral form so that it disintegrates in a similar manner and the life is centralised within the astral permanent atom. It has gained an increase of vitality through physical plane existence, and added colour through astral experience.

 The final stage for the human atom is its withdrawal from the mental vehicle. The life forces after this fourfold abstraction are centralised entirely within the egoic sphere; contact with the three lower planes is still inherently possible by means of the permanent atoms, the force centres of the three personality aspects.
 人原子の最終段階は【p.735/p.736】、精神的〔心的〕乗り物からの人原子の退出である。四重の抽出の後の生命諸力は、まったくエゴの球内に集中される。3つの低位の界との接触はそれでも、3つの個人の側面〔様相〕の力の諸中心である永久原子たちによって、本来的に inherently 可能である。

 In each incarnation the life forces have gained through the utilisation of the vehicles,
  a. An increased activity, which is stored in the physical permanent atom.
  b. An added colouring, which is stored in the astral permanent atom.
  c. A developed quality of strength, or purpose in action, which is stored in the mental unit.
  a. 増加した活動、それは物質的永久原子に蓄えられる。
  b. 加えられた色づけ、それはアストラル永久原子に蓄えられる。
  c. 強さが発展した特質、または作用する目的、それは心的〔精神的〕単位に蓄えられる。

These are wrought into faculty in devachan.
 Devachan [45, 46] is a state of consciousness, reflecting, in 【p.736/p.737】

the Law of Retribution is the only law that never errs. Hence all those who have not slipped down into the mire of unredeemable sin and bestiality—go to the Deva-Chan. They will have to pay for their sins, voluntary and involuntary, later on. Meanwhile they are rewarded; receive the effects of the causes produced by them. "Of course it is a state, one, so to say, of intense selfishness during which an Ego reaps the reward of his unselfishness on earth. He is completely engrossed in the bliss of all his personal earthly affections, preferences, thoughts, and gathers in the fruit of his meritorious actions. No pain, no grief nor even the shadow of a sorrow comes to darken the bright horizon of his unalloyed happiness; for, it is a state of perpetual 'Maya.'...Since the conscious perception of one's personality on earth is but an evanescent dream that sense will be equally that of a dream in the Deva-Chan—only a hundredfold intensified." ....... "'Bardo' is the period between death and rebirth—and may last from a few years to a kalpa. It is divided into three sub-periods (1) when the Ego delivered of its mortal coil enters into Kama-Loka (the abode of Elementaries); (2) when it enters into 'Gestation State'; (3) when it is reborn in the Rupa-Loka of Deva-Chan. Sub-period (1) may last from a few minutes to a number of years—the phrase 'a few years' becoming puzzling and utterly worthless without a more complete explanation; Sub-period 2nd is 'very long'; as you say, longer sometimes than you may even imagine, yet proportionate to the Ego's spiritual stamina; Sub-period 3rd lasts in proportion to the good Karma, after which the monad is again reincarnated." ....... ..."Every effect must be proportionate to the cause. And, as man's terms of incarnate existence bear but a small proportion to his periods of inter-natal existence in the manvantaric cycle, so the good thoughts, words, and deeds of any one of these 'lives' on a globe are causative of effects, the working out of which requires far more time than the evolution of the causes occupied."—From Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, pp. 100, 105-106., 245Devachan. A state intermediate between two earth lives into which the Ego enters after its separation from its lower aspects or sheaths.

the life of the Personality, that higher state which we call nirvanic consciousness, and which is brought about by egoic action. It is but a dim reflection in the separated units (and therefore tinged with selfishness and separative pleasure) of the group condition called nirvanic. In this high state of consciousness each separate identity, though self-realising, shares in the group realisation, and therein lies bliss for the unit. Separation is no longer felt, only unity and essential oneness is known. Therefore, as might be naturally deduced, there is no devachan for the savage or little evolved man, as they merit it not, and have not the mentality to realise it; hence, therefore, the rapidity of their incarnations, and the brevity of the pralayic period. There is little in their case for the Ego, on its own plane, to assimilate in the residue of incarnations, and hence the life principle withdraws rapidly from out of the mental form, with the resulting impulse of the Ego to reincarnate almost immediately.
 When the life of the personality has been full and rich, yet has not reached the stage wherein the personal self can consciously co-operate with the ego, periods of personality nirvana are undergone, their length depending upon the interest of the life, and the ability of the man to meditate upon experience. Later, when the Ego dominates the personality life, the interest of the man is raised to higher levels, and the nirvana of the soul be-
comes his goal. He has no interest in devachan. Therefore, those upon the Path (either the probationary Path, or the Path of Initiation) do not, as a rule, go to devachan, but immediate incarnation becomes the rule in the turning of the wheel of life; this time it is brought about by the conscious co-operation of the personal Self with the divine Self or Ego.
 (2) _The period between egoic Cycles_. Herein is hid the mystery of the 777 incarnations and concerns the relation of the unit to his group on the egoic plane, prior to the unfoldment of the fifth petal. It concerns man in the period between the savage stage and that of the disciple, when he is an average man but still in the two Halls. The mystery of all root races lies here, and the egoic cycles coincide with the building of racial forms, and civilisations. A man will reincarnate again and again in the various subraces of a root race until a certain cycle has been covered; then he may undergo a pralayic condition until in a later (and sometimes much later) root race he will respond to its vibratory call, and the egoic impulse to incarnate will again be felt. In illustration of this, we should bear in mind that the more advanced humanity of today did not incarnate until the fourth root race. These cycles are one of the mysteries of initiation, though one of the earlier mysteries, and are revealed at the second initiation as they enable the initiate to comprehend his position, to see somewhat the nature of the karmic impulse, and to read his own record in the astral light.
These might be considered the two lesser pralayic periods and concern primarily life in the three worlds.
(3) Next comes the period wherein the man has attained freedom. A man has at this stage succeeded, under law, in "abstracting" himself, the freed soul, from out of the matter of the three worlds. He has used and worked with deva substance and has gained all the vibratory contact possible, and has secured all the intended "realisations" and "revelations"; he can no longer be held imprisoned by the devas. He is free until, consciously and willingly, and in another round, he can return as a member of a Hierarchy to continue His work of service for the little evolved humanity of that distant time. As this concerns the seven paths of opportunity for a Master we will not deal with it here. 24647 This is the great human pralaya.



 〈Sequence of Events at Death 死の際の出来事の順序〉

Sequence of Events at Death
I feel that the best that I can do, in order to clarify this subject more completely, is to describe the sequence of events which happens at a death bed, reminding you that the points of final abstraction are three in number: the head for disciples and initiates and also for advanced mental types; the heart for aspirants, for men of goodwill, and for all those who have achieved a measure of personality integrity and are attempting to fulfill, as far as in them lies, the law of love; and the solar plexus for the undeveloped and emotionally polarised persons. All I can do is to tabulate the stages of the process, leaving you to accept them as an interesting and possible hypothesis awaiting verification; to believe them unquestioningly because you have confidence in my knowledge, or to reject them as fantastic, unverifiable and of no moment anyway. I recommend the first of the three, for it will enable you to preserve your mental integrity, it will indicate an open mind, and at the same time it will protect you from gullibility and from narrow-mindedness. These stages, therefore, are:

1. The soul sounds forth a "word of withdrawal" from its own plane, and immediately an interior process and reaction is evoked within the man upon the physical plane.

a. Certain physiological events take place at the seat of the disease, in connection with the heart, and affecting also the three great systems which so potently condition the physical man: the blood stream, the nervous system in its various expressions, and the endocrine system. With these effects I shall not deal. The pathology of death is well known and has received much study exoterically; much still remains to be discovered and will later be discovered. I am concerned, first of all, with the subjective reactions which (in the last analysis) bring about the pathological predisposition to death.

b. A vibration runs along the nadis. The nadis are, as you well know, the etheric counterpart of the entire nervous system, and they underlie every single nerve in the entire physical body. They are the agents par excellence of the directing impulses of the soul, reacting to the vibratory activity which emanates from the etheric counterpart of the brain. They respond to the directing Word, react to the "pull" of the soul, and then organise themselves for abstraction.

c. The blood stream becomes affected in a peculiarly occult manner. The "blood is the life," we are told; it is interiorly changed as a result of the two previous stages, but primarily as the result of an activity hitherto undiscovered by modern science, for which the glandular system is responsible. The glands, in response to the call of death, inject into the blood stream a substance which in turn affects the heart. There the life thread is anchored, and the substance in the blood is regarded as "death dealing" and is one of the basic causes of coma and of loss of consciousness. It evokes a reflex action in the brain. This substance and its effect will be questioned as yet by orthodox medicine, but its presence will later be recognised.
d. A psychic tremor is established which has the effect of loosening or breaking the connection between the nadis and the nervous system; the etheric body is thereby detached from its dense sheath, though still interpenetrating every part of it.
2. There is frequently a pause at this point of a shorter or longer period of time. This is allowed in order to carry forward the loosening process as smoothly and as painlessly as possible. This loosening of the nadis starts in the eyes. This process of detachment often shows itself in the relaxation and lack of fear which dying persons so often show; they evidence a condition of peace, and a willingness to go, plus an inability to make a mental effort. It is as if the dying person, still preserving his consciousness, gathers his resources together for the final abstraction. This is the stage in which—the fear of death once and for all removed from the racial mind—the friends and relatives of the departing person will "make a festival" for him and will rejoice with him because he is relinquishing the body. At present this is not possible. Distress rules, and the stage passes unrecognised and is not utilised, as it will some day be.
3. Next, the organised etheric body, loosened from all nervous relationship through the action of the nadis, begins to gather itself together for the final departure. It withdraws from the extremities towards the required "door of exit" and focusses itself in the area around that door for the final "pull" of the directing soul. All has been proceeding under the Law of Attraction up to this point—the magnetic, attractive will of the soul. Now another "pull" or attractive impulse makes itself felt. The dense physical body, the sumtotal of organs, cells and atoms, is steadily being released from the integrating potency of the vital body by the action of the nadis; it begins to respond to the attractive pull of matter itself. This has been called the "earth" pull and is exerted by that mysterious entity whom we call the "spirit of the earth"; this entity is on the involutionary arc, and is to our planet what the physical elemental is to the physical body of man. This physical plane life force is essentially the life and light of atomic substance—the matter of which all forms are made. It is to this reservoir of involutionary and material life that the substance of all forms is restored. Restitution of the commandeered matter of the form occupied by the soul during a life cycle consists in returning to this "Caesar" the involutionary world what is his, whilst the soul returns to the God Who sent it forth.
It will therefore be apparent that a dual attractive process is at this stage going on:
a. The vital body is being prepared for exit. b. The physical body is responding to dissolution.
It might be added that a third activity is also present. It is that of the conscious man, withdrawing his consciousness, steadily and gradually, into the astral and mental vehicles, preparatory to the complete abstraction of the etheric body when the right time comes. The man is becoming less and less attached

to the physical plane and more withdrawn within himself. In the case of an advanced person, this process is consciously undertaken, and the man retains his vital interests and his awareness of relationship to others even whilst losing his grip on physical existence. In old age this detachment can be more easily noted than in death through disease, and frequently the soul or the living, interested, inner man can be seen losing his grip on physical and, therefore, illusory reality.
4. Again a pause ensues. This is the point where the physical elemental can at times regain its hold upon the etheric body, if that is deemed desirable by the soul, if death is not part of the inner plan, or if the physical elemental is so powerful that it can prolong the process of dying. This elemental life will sometimes fight a battle lasting for days and weeks. When, however, death is inevitable, the pause at this point will be exceedingly brief, sometimes only for a matter of seconds. The physical elemental has lost its hold, and the etheric body awaits the final "tug" from the soul, acting under the Law of Attraction.
5. The etheric body emerges from the dense physical body in gradual stages and at the chosen point of exit. When this emergence is complete, the vital body then assumes the vague outline of the form that it energised, and this under the influence of the thoughtform of himself which the man has built up over the years. This thoughtform exists in the case of every human being, and must be destroyed before the second stage of elimination is finally complete. We will touch upon this later. Though freed from the prison of the physical body, the etheric body is not yet freed from its influence. There is still a slight rapport between the two, and this keeps the spiritual man still close to the body just vacated. That is why clairvoyants often claim to see the etheric body hovering around the death bed or the coffin. Still interpenetrating the etheric body are the integrated energies which we call the astral body and the mental vehicle, and at the centre there is a point of light which indicates the presence of the soul.
6. The etheric body is gradually dispersed as the energies of which it is composed are reorganised and withdrawn, leaving only the pranic substance which is identified with the etheric vehicle of the planet itself. This process of dispersal is, as I have earlier said, greatly aided by cremation. In the case of the undeveloped person, the etheric body can linger for a long time in the neighbourhood of its outer disintegrating shell because the pull of the soul is not potent and the material aspect is. Where the person is advanced, and therefore detached in his thinking from the physical plane, the dissolution of the vital body can be exceedingly rapid. Once it is accomplished, the process of restitution is over; the man is freed, temporarily at least, from all reaction to the attractive pull of physical matter; he stands in his subtle bodies, ready for the great act to which I have given the name "The Art of Elimination."
One thought emerges as we conclude this inadequate consideration of the death of the physical body in its two aspects: that thought is the integrity of the inner man. He remains himself. He is untouched and untrammelled: he is a free agent as far as the physical plane is concerned, and is responsive now to only three predisposing factors:
1. The quality of his astral-emotional equipment. 2. The mental condition in which he habitually lives. 3. The voice of the soul, often unfamiliar but sometimes well known and loved.
Individuality is not lost; the same person is still present upon the planet. Only that has disappeared which was an integral part of the tangible appearance of our planet. That which has been loved or hated, which has been useful to humanity or a liability, which has served the race or been an ineffectual member of it, still persists, is still in touch with the qualitative and mental processes of existence, and

will forever remain—individual, qualified by ray type, part of the kingdom of souls, and a high initiate in his own right.

□ 文献 □
Bailey, A.A. 1922. Letters on Occult Meditation. 375pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $26.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1925. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. xxvi+1367pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $60.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1927. The Light of The Soul: A Paraphrase of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: with Commentary by Alice A. Bailey. xvii+458pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $35.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1932. From Intellect to Intuition. vii+275pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1934. A Treatise on White Magic. xiv+705pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1936. Esoteric Psychology I. xxv+460pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $27.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1950. Telepathy and The Etheric Vehicle. xi+219pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1951. Autobiography. xi+316pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $26.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1951. Esoteric Astrology. viii+742pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1953. Esoteric Healing. ix+771pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1954. Education in The New Age. xv+174pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $18.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1957. The Externalisation of The Hierarchy. vii+744pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1960. The Rays and the Initiations. xii+820pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $35.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1968. From Bethlehem to Calvary. ix+292pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1982. The Labours of Hercules : An Astrological Interpretation. 230pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $12.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1998. Twenty-four Books of Esoteric Philosophy. CD. [B20001205, $180.00]

Bailey, A.A. & Khul, D. 1974. Ponder on This: A Compilation. 431pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $14.00+39.00/20]

ブラヴァツキー 電気は物質か力か?、物質とは何か?、力とは何か?、重力(1)

2016年06月04日 14時13分27秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
ブラヴァツキー 電気は物質か力か?、物質とは何か?、力とは何か?、重力(1)

  「  電気は物質か力か?*
      [*:この記事は、次の記事〔物質とは何か? そして力とは何か?(或る回答)〕と直接に関係するので、ここに翻刻される。――編纂者。]
  [The Theosophist, Vol. III, No.12, September, 1882, pp. 318-319]

 神智学協会の設立者で会長である H.S. Olcott 大佐によって1882年4月26日にマドラスで述べられた大変興味深くてすぐれた講演のなかで、学識豊かな会長は、物質について触れたときに、電気は空気と水と同様に物質であると断言した。

□ 文献 □
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna [A Theosophist]. 1882.電気は物質か力か?.H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings Volume IV: 205-208. [初出は、The Theosophist, Vol. III, No.12, September, 1882, pp. 318-319。]

動物の進化、ベンジャミン クレーム

2015年08月21日 11時34分27秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
動物の進化、ベンジャミン クレーム

 秘教 esotericism またはオカルト[occult 隠秘学]では、世界または宇宙とは、エネルギーそのものである。現代物理学の考え方と同じようである。

 E=mc^2という等式は、物質とは質量を持つまたは重力作用を受けるまたは反応するものだと考えると、物質はまるごとエネルギーに変換し得るということを意味する。Mario Bunge (要出典)は、この等式は物体の相互結合が破壊されるときに出るエネルギー量を示すと言うが、これは誤りであろう[→確認すべし]。
 時間とは、観測結果を記述するための枠組みであり、実在するというのは錯覚である(と、神智学などは主張する)。エネルギーやそれが変換された形態の物体などがあり、それらが単位体となったりして運動するのである。運動があるばかりであって、時間も空間も実在するのではない。(なお、H.P. ブラヴァッキーは、空間のほうはより実在的であると述べている[要出典]。)。

 はてさて、(現在は第四環である)地球連鎖における自然王国での諸エネルギーの作用について、秘教学徒のベンジャミン クレーム Benjamin Creme 氏は質疑応答で下記のように述べている。

 金星から、サナット・クマラと共に炎の天主が来られました。その方が、我々が識心[マインド]と呼ぶエネルギーを持ってこられたのです。このエネルギーが、初期の動物・人間〔animal man〕の原始的識心[マインド]を刺激し、人の個性化が起こったのです。
(クレーム,ベンジャミン(石川道子 訳 ????)『?』、220頁。『マイトレーヤの使命』以外の本〔要出典〕からの引用)。

 「今、動物は自意識ある魂を持っていません。彼らは総称的魂〔→群魂 group soul の訳?〕の一部です。猫が死ぬと一つの魂に融合します。猫というグループでの魂で物質界てせ持っていたアイデンティティーを失います。これは、ある意味で人間も同じですが、人の場合は個性があります。人間にとってその個性化はレムリア時代に起こりました。」
(クレーム,ベンジャミン(石川道子 訳 ????)『?』、221頁)。

(クレーム,ベンジャミン(石川道子 訳 ????)『?』、222頁)。

(クレーム,ベンジャミン(石川道子 訳 ????)『?』、222頁)。

クレーム,ベンジャミン(石川道子 訳 ????).?.シェア・ジャパン出版.


神智学 文献

2015年08月08日 13時23分48秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
神智学 文献


実藤遠.1983/10/1.神智学の科学的研究(上).心霊研究 (440)[1983/10]:11-21.[さねとう とおし、サイ科学会副会長]

実藤遠.1983/11/1.神智学の科学的研究(下).心霊研究 (441)[1983/11]:17-27.

1999.3聖なる科学 スカラー波の発見で解けた宇宙・超常現象・死後の世界.成星.

2000/3.ミレニアムの科学原理 : 現代科学を超える新プリンキピア.東明社.



 日本サイ科学会 小史



2014年09月06日 12時36分05秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学

 気息のなかにあって、気息とは異なるもの、気息はそれを知らず、それの身体が気息であるもの、 気息をその内部にあって制御しているもの、それがあなたのアートマン、不死の内制者である。(16)

[バラモン教典『ウパニシャッド』(服部正明 訳 1969/5/30: 71-72頁)。]

 統御または制御関係によって、階層を形成することができる。すなわち、統御階層 governing hierarchy、control hierarchy である。


 1. おさえつけて自分の意のままにすること。 「欲望を-する」
 2. 機械・装置などを目的とする状態に保つために,適当な操作を加えること。「運転機器を-する」 「 -装置」」
(三省堂 大辞林)

□ 文献 □
長尾雅人(責任編集).1969/5/30.バラモン教典 原始仏典[世界の名著 1].566pp.中央公論社.[550円][B19690???]

服部正明(訳).1969/5/30.ウパニシャッド.長尾雅人(責任編集)、『バラモン教典 原始仏典』: 55-151.中央公論社.

ミステリー サークル(穀物輪 crop circle)

2014年09月05日 11時55分46秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
ミステリー サークル(穀物輪 crop circle)

 日本の新聞やテレビは、穀物輪 crop circle についての報道は少ない。数年前だったか、北野武氏が案内役のテレビ番組があったが、イギリス人の2人組が穀物輪を板を使って足で踏みつけて作ったと名乗り出たという紹介のものがあった。
 穀物輪(クロップ サークル crop circle、あるいはミステリー サークルとも呼ばれる)は、イギリスに多いが、そこだけではない。
 ベンジャミン クレーム氏は、作ったのはわたしたちの太陽系の惑星に住む人類のうちの火星人や金星人(異惑星人。いわゆる宇宙人)で、コンピュータを使って数秒のうちに作る、と言う(要引用)。

(世界発2014)謎の円、いったいドイツが!? 独南部に突然出現
  「 ドイツ南部ミュンヘンから西へ車で約1時間のライスティング村。黄金色の穂が垂れる麦畑の一角に、〔略〕直径約75メートルの巨大な幾何学模様〔略〕。


(朝日新聞 2014年9月5日 13面)
(朝日新聞デジタル>記事 2014年9月5日05時00分)

→1. 「17日夜から18日未明の間に「出現」したとみられる」
→2. 「腰の高さほどの穂の茎が地上から数センチで同じ方向に倒されている」

 『国際月刊誌 シェア・インターナショナル』
という電網処を、「ミステリー サークル」で検索すると、たとえば、

  シェア・インターナショナル記事 > 2010年 > 4月 > UFOと彼らの霊的使命


(シェア・インターナショナル記事 > 2014年 > 8月号 > 世界に向けて語る)



第一部 UFOと彼らの霊的使命
      ・宇宙の兄弟たちとの接触   ほか

第二部 新しい時代における教育
      ・人は自分が誰かを知らない   ほか」


2014年08月21日 16時18分18秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学

(桂紹隆 1998/10: 85-86頁)。

(桂紹隆 1998/10: 86頁)。

 桂紹隆(1998/10: 86頁)にしたがって、対応表を作ると下記の通り。



□ 文献 □
桂紹隆.1998/10/25.インド人の論理学 問答法から帰納法へ.x+333pp.中央公論社.[本体940円+税][B19981124]


2014年08月15日 15時10分25秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学

 これは、H.P. ブラヴァツキーによれば、(地球でのゴータマ王子を通じて地上に顕現した第四代)仏陀の言葉だと言われる。

   「Our Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumours, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers of masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. “For this,” says he in concluding, “ I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly.”」
(The Secret Doctrine Volume III: 401)

 「ただ言われていることだからといって、それだけで物事を信じてはならない。昔から伝えられてきたからといってそれだけで、伝統を信じてはならない。また噂がそうだからといってそれを信じてはならない。 聖者が書いたからっていってその著作を信じてはならない。天[デーヴァ〔神々または天使たち〕]に霊感を与えられたと思い込んで(つまり霊的インスピレーションだと思い込んで)空想の類を信じてはならない。自分が勝手につくったいい加減な仮定から結論を引き出してもならない。また、相似の法則から見て必然だからといってそれを信じてはならない。自分の教師や師匠の権威に基づいて物事を信じてもならない。自分自身の理性と意識とによって確証されて初めて、著作や教義や言葉を信じるべきである。」
 「 従って」仏陀は結論を言われた。「私が教えたのは、ただ聞いただけで信じてはならないこと、そして自分の心から〔?→意識で〕信じられたなら、その信念に従って一生懸命に行動せよ、ということである。」
」(仲里誠桔・小島露観 共訳 1986/9: 10頁)。


  「チベット人の言葉からの抜粋 1934年8月〔に発表された〕
もしそれらの本が真理を、世界中の教えのなかですでに提供されている真理に続くようにして差し出しているならば、もし与えられた情報が熱誠とそして奉仕する意志を、感情界〔the plane of emotions〕から知性界(この界で大師〔覚者 Masters〕たちは見つけることが_可能_である)へと引き上げるならば、それらの本の目的を果たしたことになる。
伝えられる教えが、世界の働き手の照らされた〔啓発された illumined〕心から反応を呼び起こし、そして働き手の直観の閃きをもたらすならば、その場合、その教えは受け入れられよう。そうでなければ、受け入れさせられることは無い。言明たちが、最終的に確証され〔with eventual corroboration〕、 あるいは照応の法則 the Law of Correspondences による試験のもとに真であると判断されるならば、その場合、それは結構なことである。しかし、そうではないならば、学徒は言われることを受け入れてはならない。」
(仲里誠桔・小島露観 共訳 1986/9: 10頁、を参照した)。
(ベイリー 1922(AABライブラリー 訳,2001/12: 、を参照した)。

  「Blind Faith Not Expected - (Page 401)
Are there any dogmas in Buddhism which we are required to accept on faith?
A. No. We are earnestly enjoined to accept nothing whatsoever on faith, whether it be written in books, handed down from our ancestors, or taught by sages.

Our Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumours, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers of masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. “For this,” says he in concluding, “ I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly.” [See the Kalama Sutta of the Anguttaranikayo, as quoted in A Buddhist Catechism by H. S. Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society. pp. 55.56.]」
(http://www.theosophical.ca/books/SecretDoctrine,The_HPBlavatsky.pdf[受信:2014年8月12日] 〔The Secret Doctrine Volume 3〕pp.317-318〔p.401〕])。

□ 文献 □
ベイリー, アリス・A.1922(1951)(仲里誠桔・小島露観 共訳 1986/9/25).イニシエーション 進化の原点・神智学の秘伝.283pp.たま出版.[定価2,400円][B19861020]


ジェフリー ホドソンの透視的研究による天使や妖精の世界

2014年08月15日 09時58分47秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
ジェフリー ホドソンの透視的研究による天使や妖精の世界

 「秘教文献6b[0.9版]/洋書 abc順」では、ジェフリー ホドソン Geoffrey Hodson[1886年3月12日英国リンカーンシャーで生まれ、983年1月23日ニュージーランドのオークランドで他界] (1928) の『天使たちと人たちの同胞性 The Brotherhood of Angels and Men』が、抜けていた。
 この本の序文 foreword を、アニー ベサント Annie Besant (1928) が書いている。

(Annie Besant 1928: ix-x)。

  「〔ジェフリー ホドソン氏の〕観察は、ヒンドゥー〔教〕の諸書の多くの詳細と、またわたしが読書によるだけではなく諸国を旅するなかで得た、この主題についての一般的知識と一致する。たとえばハンガリーでは、土地の自然霊たちは、特別に活動的で、風変わりで可愛い生きものである正真正銘の地の精たち veritable gnomes は、インドのクベラ神の華美な軍勢たち the gorgeous hosts of Kubera とはまったく異なっている。どちらも、鉱物王国に関わっているのであるが。」
(Annie Besant 1928: x)。


                         視 VISION
無                        諸世界の統治者たちの統治者たち
形                        諸世界の統治者たち
態 創造力の世界        音楽の天使たち                    われわれの天使我、われわれの真我    
の 統一の世界         美と技芸の天使たち                  
諸                                          われわれの不死我
世 歓喜と平和の世界      歓喜の天使たち                                      橋

形 思考の世界         建設する天使たち                   われわれの死を免れない思考する我
態 情緒〔感情 feeling〕の世界 建設と守護と自然の天使たち 空気の精、火の精、水の精 われわれの死を免れない情緒我
の 肉体の世界         建設する天使たち      茶色妖精、地の精     われわれの死を免れない固形我    道

〔図〕天使がその教えのなかで記述した宇宙 The Universe。

□ 文献 □
Besant, Annie. 1928. Foreword. In, Hodson, G., 1928, "The Brotherhood of Angels and Men": ix-x.

□ Geoffrey Hodson の本 □

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1928[First Quest edition, 1982]. The Brotherhood of Angels and Men [with a foreword by Annie Besant]. xii+1figure+93pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Madras, London. [B19860701] [$4.95+?]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1929[First Quest edition, 1981]. The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of a Human Embryo. 98pp. [B19850817] [Rh19850820]
[My Citation:
「The consciousness of the ego wa beginning to touch the emotional level and to influence directly the building of the emotional body. (...). / The line of communication between the ego and the fetus has gradually become broader. (Hodson 1929: 42)」
「The shape of hte physical body is decided by that of the ethric mold into which it is built by the nature-spirits. This mold is produced partly by the formative power of the "sound" vibration emitted by the zygote and permanent atom, *[= see Chapter 5] and partly by the Lords fo Karma, who model it according to the karma of the individual. (Hodson 1929: 43)」
「The end of the shaft ...
 At the moment of fertilization a flash of light descends from the highest spiritual level of the ego into the spermatozoan, gives it its creative impulse and energy...(Hodson 1929: 45)」
「Appendix b. Descent into Incanation pp.81-90」
「Appendix c. Development of the Embryo pp.91-95」

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1955[Fourth printing1977]. Occult Powers in Nature andin Man: Lectures Delivered in 1953 at the Summer Sessions at Olcott, Wheaton, Illinois, Headquaters of the Theosophical Society in America. xxviii+145pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850817]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1980[1952]. The Kingdom of the Gods. xxiii+272pp+3 charts+29 illustrations (color plates). The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850817] [at Cover page: 'As to the proof of the existence of these beings the author points out that, while there can be no demonstrable proof of the fruits of mystical experience, test by personal research is possible and he says, 'That test I have attempted to apply, and this book is in part a record of my own findings.' '.]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1982[First Quest edition]. Fairies at Work and at Play observed by Geoffrey Hodson. 126pp. [B19850817]

 秘教文献6b[0.9版]/洋書 abc順


テキスト Geoffrey Hodson『Clairvoyant Investigations(透視能力者の目に映ったデーヴァやネイチャースピリット、アークエンジェルの姿)』」

ブラヴァツキー『秘密教義 第一巻 宇宙発生論』 第三部 付録 第1節 (4)

2014年08月15日 01時23分22秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
ブラヴァツキー『秘密教義 第一巻 宇宙発生論』 第三部 付録 第1節 (4)

The Sun is matter, and the Sun is Spirit.

Our ancestors --- the "heathen," --- along with their modern successors, the Parsis --- were, and are, wise enough in their generation to see in it the symbol of Divinity, and at the same time to sense within, concealed by the physical Symbol, the bright God of Spiritual and terrestrial Light.

Such belief is now regarded as a superstition only by rank materialism, which denies Deity, Spirit, Soul, and admits no intelligence outside the mind of man.

But if too much of wrong superstition bred by "Churchianity" --- as Lawrence Oliphant calls it --- "renders a man a fool," too much scepticism makes him mad.
しかし、もし「教会教」(とLawrence Oliphantが呼ぶのだが)によって育てられた誤った迷信が「人を阿呆にする」のが多すぎるという言うのなら、懐疑論が人を狂わせることも多すぎるのである。

We prefer the charge of folly in believing too much, to that of a madness which denies everything, as do Materialism and Idealism.


Hence, the Occultists are fully prepared to receive their dues from Materialism, and to meet the adverse criticism which will be poured on this work, not _for writing it, but for believing in that which it contains_.


2014年08月12日 21時28分22秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学

 これは、H.P. ブラヴァツキーによれば、(地球でのゴータマ王子を通じて地上に顕現した第四代)仏陀の言葉だと言われる。

   「Our Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumours, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers of masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. “For this,” says he in concluding, “ I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly.”」
(The Secret Doctrine Volume III: 401)

 「ただ言われていることだからといって、それだけで物事を信じてはならない。昔から伝えられてきたからといってそれだけで、伝統を信じてはならない。また噂がそうだからといってそれを信じてはならない。 聖者が書いたからっていってその著作を信じてはならない。天[デーヴァ〔神々または天使たち〕]に霊感を与えられたと思い込んで(つまり霊的インスピレーションだと思い込んで)空想の類を信じてはならない。自分が勝手につくったいい加減な仮定から結論を引き出してもならない。また、相似の法則から見て必然だからといってそれを信じてはならない。自分の教師や師匠の権威に基づいて物事を信じてもならない。自分自身の理性と意識とによって確証されて初めて、著作や教義や言葉を信じるべきである。」
 「 従って」仏陀は結論を言われた。「私が教えたのは、ただ聞いただけで信じてはならないこと、そして自分の心から〔?→意識で〕信じられたなら、その信念に従って一生懸命に行動せよ、ということである。」
」(仲里誠桔・小島露観 共訳 1986/9: 10頁)。


  「チベット人の言葉からの抜粋 1934年8月
もしそれが真理を、世界にすでに提供されているものに続くような形で表わしているならば、そしてまた、もし与えられた情報が熱誠や奉仕したいという意志を情緒の界層からマインドの界層へと〔感情界から知性界へと[仲里誠桔・小島露観 訳 1986/9: 10頁]〕高めるならば目的を果たしたことになる。

(ベイリー 1922(AABライブラリー 訳,2001/12: )。

  「Blind Faith Not Expected - (Page 401)
Are there any dogmas in Buddhism which we are required to accept on faith?
A. No. We are earnestly enjoined to accept nothing whatsoever on faith, whether it be written in books, handed down from our ancestors, or taught by sages.

Our Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumours, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of our teachers of masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. “For this,” says he in concluding, “ I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly.” [See the Kalama Sutta of the Anguttaranikayo, as quoted in A Buddhist Catechism by H. S. Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society. pp. 55.56.]」
(http://www.theosophical.ca/books/SecretDoctrine,The_HPBlavatsky.pdf[受信:2014年8月12日] 〔The Secret Doctrine Volume 3〕pp.317-318〔p.401〕])。

□ 文献 □
ベイリー, アリス・A.1922(1951)(仲里誠桔・小島露観 共訳 1986/9/25).イニシエーション 進化の原点・神智学の秘伝.283pp.たま出版.[定価2,400円][B19861020]
