ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム ヨーダ&クマちゃん2/love miniature goods - IWAKO Yoda&bears2

2015年11月10日 | 日記

What purpose do you have
For this meeting
You bears?

Pink hoodie bear " We're having our community gathering, it calls Yoliai in Japanese"
Yoda "Yoliai...?"

→IWAKO's eraser is just the "pink hoodie bear".
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 : 猫ハウス outdoor cat: the cat house

2015年11月10日 | 日記

The cat house
The owner of the house
Is now taking a walk

写真が暗くて分かりづらいですが、黒いゴム製(に見えるんですが…何でしょう? 大抵よく見かけるのは発泡スチロール製ですよね) の材質で作られた猫ハウスの中に、家主はその時いなかったんですが、猫ハウスと確信したのはキャットフードが置いてあったからです。
奥には猫用缶詰一個。お世話しているニンゲンが複数いるってことですかね? フード持ってくるニンゲン、それをあげる別のニンゲン。
---Well, I'm the beloved cat, well looked after by humans in the big city.
The photo is not good, it's a bit difficult to understand what was pictured, anyway, there is a black box made of rubber(it seems rubber. What is for? I've never seen like that before. Usually, I think that cat house would be made by a styrofoam box), at that time, the owner wasn't, why I got to knew the box was for a cat, because there were some cat foods.
You could find two of plastic bags at the front of the box that have dry food in them. I guess that one bag is for one meal.
At the back of the box, there was a canned food. I guess that there would be a few people who take care of the cat. One of them brings food, the other one feeds the cat.
Oh...how much are you loved by them?
---Well, I give them the rights for caring me.
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