オサンポ walk - 秋、鳩のふくみ声a dove's song in autumn

2017年09月23日 | 日記

Early morning in Autumn
A dove on the tree
Is singing



I haven't heard sparrows' songs in these days, when autumn has begun, they go to rice fields, to eat rices(?), I read it on the book. I miss them, I hear crows' songs sometimes, I believe that it's their fault there is no sparrows. In this morning, I heard a dove's songs from the tree, I was happy with that. I only hear autumn insects' songs but no cicadas. I know some people don't like doves because of their poo but I think that dove is better than crow. When dove is there, sparrow is there. But when crow is there, sparrow is not there.

The photo is a puddle that I photographed in this morning.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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