オサンポ walk - 秋、ひっくり返った小クワガタ a small stag beetle turning over in autumn

2017年09月27日 | 日記
Saved a small stag beetle
From it was struggling
With turning over

Under this, there is a small stag beetle, if you wouldn't like any insects, please be careful.


I bumped into a small stag beetle that was in trouble with turning over itself at the front porch of a drugstore. Someone would have said, "Rescue him(her), quick!" I understand. But I photographed him before that for my blog. Thanks.


I was a bit nervous to pick him up by my bare hand, I did it with a tissue.

周りは草木のほとんど無いところだったので、どうする? っとちょっと考えて、2、3分歩いたところに公園があるのでここよりはマシかも知れない、っと思いそこまで頑張って連れて行き、適当に選んだ木の幹に載せました。小クワガタはひとまずジッとしていました。まずは状況検分ですかね。何にせよここでお別れ。お達者でー。
しかし、クワガタって、いるもんなんですね? 記憶にある限り町中で見るのはホボホボ初めてのような。君、野生しているの? どこかのプラスチックケースから自ら脱走してきた?? それとも???(一つの可能性として→飼い主が散歩に連れて来て落っことしていったとか? ←でもそれダメじゃん)

Around there, there was very few plants, where was it good to him? I'd got an idea that it must have been best for him, going to a park with him where I took a few minutes walk to, then released him. I thought the park was better than here. I brought him in the park, put him on a branch. He was still there. I thought that he might have checked about himself and the park, what's going on him. Anyway, my mission have done. Take care of yourself, I said to him.
I feel strange why was he there? I haven't seen any other stag beetles in a town before. Do you survive in the wild? Did you escape from a plastic case? Or? (There is one possible→ There was an owner who went for a walk with him, during that time, the owner dropped him by accident? It's too bad!)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct
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