オサンポ walk - 自然/きのこ:ボク、キノコ I'm fungus

2019年07月18日 | 日記

In the summer evening
There would be something like
White fungus

ふと思い立って森の中へ。すぐに聴こえてきたのは、微妙に唱和している風のヒグラシたちの鳴き声でした。夏がここにあった! と驚いていると、足元には、キノコが! キノコ、どーん! 出会うたびにいきなり感を持ってしまいます。なんのキッカケも無さそうなのにそこに普通にいるから?

I just dropped in the wood. Sooner, I heard some of cicadas who(that) were singing together. I knew this summer was here! I was surprised a bit, then I found them, fungus! On the ground! I think that they suddenly show up in front of me, whenever I meet fungus. They were naturally born. But for me, they seem to have nothing for boring...

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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