オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 葉デカイ big leaves

2019年07月06日 | 日記

At the corner location
I am having big leaves
During the rainy season

天に向かって伸びてゆく棒状の枝に、薄黄緑色の粒々が付いていてこれは「蕾」でしょうか? 一つだけ、細い線状のモノが放射状に開いていましたが、これは「花」なんでしょうか?

There is like a rod that is straight on the top of bunch of the leaves. On the rod, there are many round little things and they are light yellow green that would be a bud? Only one of them, it is opening, is that a flower? It's like...many of thin short sticks radiate.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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