日乗 diary - 紫外線 UV

2020年08月14日 | 日記

The UV
Get it in the past
Don’t get it nowadays 










Tenseijingo in Asahi Shinbun told us about UV. A physicist in Germany discovered UV in 1801. Since then, UV was sometimes our side, sometimes our enemy.
My skins are weak to UV. I can’t get suntan because not only my skins also get damages on my body. Oh my god. I will feel tired with that.
I’ve got troubles with suntan when I was high school student. I went to pool parks twice, I’d got badly suntan at that times, I was sick and felt painful by the suntan all the days and especially when I slept on the futon, that gave me pain to my bodies with touching them.
Nowadays, I haven’t been to the sea but in my daily life, I need to care for UV even I go shopping near my house, I need a hat, umbrella and UV cut jacket. Too many stuff.
Recently, people who are ok with UV but they also need to UV care goods, one of them is an umbrella, we call it, Umbrella-man. In the past, people who use umbrella for a fine day is only women.
Humans are getting to have some tools to protect their skins from the sun. However, animals and insects, how about them?
Are they still ok?

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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