英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関


one パラ道場-あしながおじさん"Blue Wednesday" de 英文読解(4)

2021年09月08日 12時32分45秒 | 英文読解 one パラ道場



"He waited to discuss the terms with me. They are unusual. The gentleman, I may say, is erratic. He believes that you have originality, and he is planning to educate you to become a writer."

"A writer?" Jerusha's mind was numbed. She could only repeat Mrs. Lippett's words.

"That is his wish. Whether anything will come of it, the future will show. He is giving you a very liberal allowance, almost, for a girl who has never had any experience in taking care of money, too liberal. But he planned the matter in detail, and I did not feel free to make any suggestions. You are to remain here through the summer, and Miss Pritchard has kindly offered to superintend your outfit. Your board and tuition will be paid directly to the college, and you will receive in addition during the four years you are there, an allowance of thirty-five dollars a month. This will enable you to enter on the same standing as the other students. The money will be sent to you by the gentleman's private secretary once a month, and in return, you will write a letter of acknowledgment once a month. That is―you are not to thank him for the money; he doesn't care to have that mentioned, but you are to write a letter telling of the progress in your studies and the details of your daily life. Just such a letter as you would write to your parents if they were living.

"These letters will be addressed to Mr. John Smith and will be sent in care of the secretary. The gentleman's name is not John Smith, but he prefers to remain unknown. To you he will never be anything but John Smith. His reason in requiring the letters is that he thinks nothing so fosters facility in literary expression as letter-writing. Since you have no family with whom to correspond, he desires you to write in this way; also, he wishes to keep track of your progress. He will never answer your letters, nor in the slightest particular take any notice of them. He detests letter-writing, and does not wish you to become a burden. If any point should ever arise where an answer would seem to be imperative―such as in the event of your being expelled, which I trust will not occur―you may correspond with Mr. Griggs, his secretary. These monthly letters are absolutely obligatory on your part; they are the only payment that Mr. Smith requires, so you must be as punctilious in sending them as though it were a bill that you were paying. I hope that they will always be respectful in tone and will reflect credit on your training. You must remember that you are writing to a Trustee of the John Grier Home."

Jerusha's eyes longingly sought the door. Her head was in a whirl of excitement, and she wished only to escape from Mrs. Lippett's platitudes, and think. She rose and took a tentative step backwards. Mrs. Lippett detained her with a gesture; it was an oratorical opportunity not to be slighted.

"I trust that you are properly grateful for this very rare good fortune that has befallen you? Not many girls in your position ever have such an opportunity to rise in the world. You must always remember―"

"I―yes, ma'am, thank you. I think, if that's all, I must go and sew a patch on Freddie Perkins's trousers."

The door closed behind her, and Mrs. Lippett watched it with dropped jaw, her peroration in mid-air.



terms:(常に複数形で)条件,  I may say:(わたしに)言わせてもらえば, unusual:普通ではない, erratic:変わり者, originality:独創性・創造性, numb:茫然となる, whether:~かどうかは,  come of:生じる/起因して生じる,  liberal:気前のよい/寛容な, allowance:手当て/使い道自由のまとまったお小遣い, take care of A:(Aが物の場合には)「世話をする」ではなく「取り扱う」, in detail:詳細にわたって, feel free to-V:自由に~できる,  suggestion:提案・意見,

superintend:監督する,  outfit:衣装や道具の一式, board and tuition:食費と授業料(≒生活費と学費。cf.  room  and board は大学の学生寮などの「家賃と食費」) , in addition:それらに加えて,  an allowance of thirty-five dollars a month:毎月35ドルのお小遣い(1913年、全米でも最高水準のフォード社の労働者の方の日給は――賃上げ後で!――5ドルでした). 

enable A to-V:Aが~することができるようにする,  same standing:対等な立場や状況,  once a month:毎月一度, in return:お返しに/その代わりに, letter of acknowledgment:礼状,  be not to-V:~などしないことになっている/~などはしてはならないものとする,  don't care to-V:~することは嫌いだ, have A V-pp:Aを~させる(←使役用法), mention:言及する, progress:進歩/進捗状況,  details:(普通は複数形で)詳細,  daily life:日常の生活, 

be addressed to:~宛先にする,  in care of:気付け,  prefer to-V:(むしろ)~することを好む,  unknown:無名の/匿名の, foster:促進する, facility:能力/施設等の設備(cf.  faculty and facility は大学などの「教授陣と設備面=人的と物的の両方の資源」のこと),  keep track of:(≒follow)フォローし続ける,  don't take any notice of:~になんら関心を持たない,  detest:憎む・嫌う,  burden:重荷, imperative:避けられないような, in the event of:~のような事態,  expel:(≒kick out )除名・除籍する/退学処分する(cf. 「exile :国外に追放する」「deportation :外国人の国外退去処分」 ),  absolutely obligatory on your part:(≒really necessary on your part)あなたの置かれた立場からは例外の認められないような絶対的の義務, 

payment:支払い(cf.  reimbursementは「立て替えた経費等の払い戻し」、refundは「料金等の払い戻 ), punctilious:几帳面に,  bill:請求書,  respectful:敬意に満ちた,  reflect:反映する,  credit:信用・評判, on your training:(study ではなくtraining だから)この孤児院でしつけられた礼儀作法や自己管理能力, remember that S→V→:~ということを自然と思い起こす,  

longingly:切望して, seek:さがす, whirl:旋風・渦巻き,  escape from:~を逃れる,  platitude:朝日新聞の社説に散在するような平凡な決まり文句,  tentative:試しに/仮に,  detain:ひき止める,  grateful:(≒thankful)感謝している, oratorical演説の, opportunity:機会(chance は偶然も与して力あって生じた機会),  slight:おざなりにする/軽蔑する/低く扱う,  properly:適切に,  fortune:幸運/財産,  befall:運命で決まっていたかのように身に降りかかる,  sew:縫う(sew a patch は「つぎをあてる」),  trousers:ズボン(≒pants),  with dropped jaw:(≒with open mouth)口をあんぐり開けて/あきれて開いた口がふさがらずに, peroration:演説の最期の決め言葉,  in mid-air:空中で/中空に


▽during と時制-during the four years(S91)
期間を表す前置詞の確認。duringは具体的な「ある特定の期間、ずーっとその間」の意味。それに対して、forは「期間そのものの長さ」, ちなみに、inは「期間の中で/期間が過ぎれば」の語感。機能英文法では、during は「when・・・?」, for は「How long・・・?」という質問に答えるセンテンスに使われるとされています。

注意すべきは「ある特定の期間」にいう具体性は、何年何月何日の何時何分とかいう類の量的正確性という意味ではないこと。それは、「ほら、この前の嵐の間」(during the last storm) とか「1990年代」(during the 1990s)とかの謂わば「歴史的-1回ぽっきり的」の具体性ということ。


これは、duringが「when?」に対する回答の担い手だから自然な流れ。逆に言えば、「How long?」には、時間の長さが主な関心事なのだから「for+期間を表す名詞」を含むセンテンスでは、すべからく、状態にせよ動作にせよ継続していなければ辻褄が合わないということになります。


He has lived in Shinyurigaoka for 17 years.
He has lived in Shinyurigaoka during 17 years.(非文)

He lives in Shinyurigaoka for two years.(非文)
He lived in Shinyurigaoka for two years.(正文-意味曖昧)
He lived in Shinyurigaoka for two years when he was an MBA student. (正文)
He lived in Shinyurigaoka for two years during his MBA school days. (正文)


He has studied German for five years.
He studies German for five years.(非文)



I couldn't hear you for almost an hour in the severe storm.(状態動詞)
I couldn't listen to you during the severe storm.(動作動詞)
listen to は、自分の意志で行うことが可能な動作なのに「couldn't」だったって?

That very old cabin is built by my great-grandfather.
・・・ひーおじいさん何歳なの? 資金提供ってこと?


Kan was asleep during the post-earthquake period.(状態動詞)
Kan spoiled Japan during the post-earthquake period.(動作動詞)

> 東日本大震災:the Great East Japan Earthquake: the Japan Earthquake
The Japan Earthquake occurred at 2:46 p.m. on March 11th in 2011.
(東日本大震災が起きたのは2011年3月11日午後2時46分のことだ) (><)

Japan took bad actions to overcome its deadlock for the war.
Japan took bad actions to overcome its deadlock during the war.



Jerusha Abbott



19世紀末から20世紀初葉のアメリカ社会を舞台にしている、ウェブスターの『おちゃめなパティ大学に行く:When Patty Went to College』(1903), 『おちゃめなパティ:Just Patty』(1911), 『あしながおじさん:Daddy-Long-Legs』(1912), 『続・あしながおじさん:Dear Enemy』(1915)等の作品は、その全作品に(その後、1920年に発効した合衆国憲法修正19条が保障する)女性参政権付与に対する賛意、あるいは、犯罪者に遺伝的や資質的な犯罪を起こす傾向を認める当時流行の近代学派の刑罰理論への賛意が記してあります。

加之、(裁判所に提出されたその被上告人側の準備書面が、後に「Brandeis Brief」として有名になるのですが、「連邦や州は、正当な立法目的と妥当な立法事実があれば、社会的規制や経済的規制を行い個人の財産権や契約の自由を制限できるのかどうか」という、当時のアメリカで最大級の憲法問題の各論と位置づけられる)女性労働者の健康維持を立法目的とする、洗濯業者に雇用された婦人の労働時間を1日10時間に制限するオレゴン州の州法が連邦憲法のデュープロセス条項(修正5条および14条)が保障する「個人間の契約の自由」の不当な制限であるかどうかが争われた「Muller v. Oregon, 208 U.S. 412 (1908)」を俎上に載せている(cf. Just Patty, chapter 3)等々、『あしながおじさん』を含むウェブスター女史の作品は、当時のアメリカでは政治小説とまでは言わないけれど間違いなく作者の政治的主張を露わにした<憲法>をも射程に入れた社会派の小説だったのだと思います。


・取り扱い注意❗ 混ぜるな危険? ❤アメリカ合衆国憲法❤の目次的紹介(↖海馬之玄関ブログ内限定)











何味のグミ=アイドルさん写真集が好き?↗みくりん味❤ ゆみりん味❤ ももっち味❤





