Local news reports have said that some of his closest aides advised Mr. Abe to stay away from the shrine so he could focus on what has been the defining policy of his administration so far: reviving Japan’s economy. American officials had also expressed concern that historical issues may isolate Japan, the United States’ largest Asian ally, at a time when Washington faces a more assertive China and a nuclear North Korea.
Still, since he took office exactly a year ago, Mr. Abe has sent offerings to the shrine, and several members of his cabinet have paid visits. Some of his supporters had said it was just a matter of time before the prime minister himself visited the shrine, especially as hopes for improved relations with either China or South Korea appeared slim anyway. Though Mr. Abe had never visited the shrine as prime minister before Thursday, he was a regular visitor as a lawmaker of the Liberal Democratic Party and most recently as opposition leader last year.
China’s reaction to Mr. Abe’s visiting the shrine was swift.
“The Chinese government expresses its strong indignation that Japanese leaders brutally trample the feelings of the Chinese and other Asian peoples victimized in wars,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “We solemnly urged the Japanese side to abide by the commitment to reflecting on its history of aggression, taking measures to correct its errors, eliminating its adverse effects, and taking concrete actions to win over the trusts of its Asian neighbors and the international community.” ・・・
South Korea also condemned Mr. Abe’s visit to the shrine. “Our government cannot help but deplore and express anger over the fact that Prime Minister Abe ignored the concerns and warnings of the neighboring countries and the world community and paid respect at the Yasukuni shrine, which glorifies Japan’s colonial rule and war of aggression,” Culture Minister Yoo Jin-ryong said in a statement.
Mr. Yoo is the South Korean government’s top spokesman, and the decision to issue the statement in his name was a departure from the usual practice of issuing such comments through the Foreign Ministry. “It shows how seriously our government regards this incident,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Cho Tai-young, said at a news conference.
韓国もまた安倍首相の靖国神社参拝を厳しく非難する。文化体育観光相のYoo Jin-ryong氏が「韓国政府は、安倍首相が近隣諸国ならびに世界の国々からの懸念と警告を無視して--日本の植民地支配と侵略戦争を誉め称えている--靖国神社に参拝した事態を極めて遺憾に思わざるを得ないし憤りを表明せざるを得ない」という声明を出したのだから。
韓国政府の主張は外務省を通して発表するという通例を破り、韓国政府の報道官として最高位にあるYoo氏自身が声明を自身の名で出したという判断自体が、「いかに韓国政府が今般の事態を重大視しているかの証左である」と、韓国外務省の Cho Tai-young報道官は記者会見で語った。
The United States also criticized Mr. Abe’s visit.
“Japan is a valued ally and friend. Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that Japan’s leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan’s neighbors,” the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo said in a statement Thursday.
“The United States hopes that both Japan and its neighbors will find constructive ways to deal with sensitive issues from the past, to improve their relations and to promote cooperation in advancing our shared goals of regional peace and stability,” the statement read.