英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関


英文読解 one パラ道場:靖国神社参拝を巡る安倍首相談話とアメリカ大使館の声明

2014年01月17日 14時14分56秒 | 英文読解 one パラ道場

2013年12月26日。安倍晋三総理が靖国神社に参拝されました。以下の英文テクストは、その際に出された首相談話、および、日本の現職の首相(a sitting Prime Minister of Japan)の7年振りの靖国参拝という事態(incident)を受けて「失望した」と評したアメリカ大使館の声明。和訳も前者については首相官邸のウェブサイトで閲覧できる公式和訳、後者も--あくまでも、「日本語文書は参考のための仮翻訳で、正文は英文」とはしながらも--アメリカ大使館が英文とともに公表したものです。




б(≧◇≦)ノ ・・・頑張ろう日本!
б(≧◇≦)ノ ・・・頑張ろう英語!

Statement by Prime Minister Abe - Pledge for everlasting peace -
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Today, I paid a visit to Yasukuni Shrine and expressed my sincere condolences, paid my respects and prayed for the souls of all those who had fought for the country and made ultimate sacrifices. I also visited Chinreisha, a remembrance memorial to pray for the souls of all the people regardless of nationalities who lost their lives in the war, but not enshrined in Yasukuni Shrine.

While praying for the souls of the war dead, the preciousness of peace Japan enjoys today really came home to me.

The peace and prosperity Japan enjoys today is not created only by those who are living today. The peace and prosperity we enjoy today is built on the precious sacrifices of numerous people who perished on the field wishing for the happiness of their loving wives and children, and thinking about their fathers and mothers who had raised them.

Today, I have contemplated on this, and paid my deepest respects and gratitudes on my visit.

Japan must never wage a war again. This is my conviction based on the severe remorse for the past. I have renewed my determination before the souls of the war dead to firmly uphold the pledge never to wage a war again.

I have also made a pledge that we must build an age which is free from the sufferings by the devastation of war; Japan must be a country which joins hands with friends in Asia and friends around the world to realize peace of the entire world.

For 68 years after the war, Japan created a free and democratic country, and consistently walked the path of peace. There is no doubt whatsoever that we will continue to pursue this path. Under the spirit of international cooperation, Japan will discharge its responsibilities for the peace, stability and prosperity of the world.

Regrettably, it is a reality that the visit to Yasukuni Shrine has become a political and diplomatic issue. Some people criticize the visit to Yasukuni as paying homage to war criminals, but the purpose of my visit today, on the anniversary of my administration’s taking office, is to report before the souls of the war dead how my administration has worked for one year and to renew the pledge that Japan must never wage a war again.

It is not my intention at all to hurt the feelings of the Chinese and Korean people. It is my wish to respect each other’s character, protect freedom and democracy, and build friendship with China and Korea with respect, as did all the previous Prime Ministers who visited Yasukuni Shrine.

I would like to ask for the kind understanding of all of you.

(444 words)

Statement on Prime Minister Abe's December 26 Visit to Yasukuni Shrine
December 26, 2013
Japan is a valued ally and friend. Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that Japan's leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan's neighbors.

The United States hopes that both Japan and its neighbors will find constructive ways to deal with sensitive issues from the past, to improve their relations, and to promote cooperation in advancing our shared goals of regional peace and stability.

We take note of the Prime Minister’s expression of remorse for the past and his reaffirmation of Japan's commitment to peace.

(88 words)

pledge for:~を誓約する, everlasting:永遠に続く/変わることのない, pay a visit to:ある明確な意図や目的から~を訪問する/参拝する, condolence:哀悼の言葉や意志, make ultimate sacrifice:国家のためにその生命を捧げる, remembrance memorial:追悼のための記念施設, regardless of:~に関係なく, come home to me:私はそれが完全に理解できる/しみじみとあることの意味や重要性が私には感じられる,

peace and prosperity:平和と繁栄, perish:不慮の事故や戦争で亡くなる, contemplate:じっくりと考える, gratitude:感謝の念, wage a war:戦争に訴える/闘争に打って出る, conviction:事実に基づく確信, remorse:悔恨や痛恨, determination:決意や決心, uphold:支持する/確かに保持する, devastation:荒廃, consistently:首尾一貫/徹頭徹尾, whatsoever:全くもって, discharge:義務を果たす/安倍総理の如くやるべきことはきちんとやる, stability:安定性,

regrettably:遺憾ながら, a political and diplomatic issue:政治および外交の争点(cf.「a political and diplomatic incident:政治や外交の世界で関心を呼ぶかもしれない出来事」), homage:強い尊敬や敬意, war criminal:戦犯, my administration:私の政権(=安倍政権), intention:意図/狙い, character:人格(cf. 類型化される「personality」とは違い、ある個人に特有の性格や特徴)

* * * * * 

statement on:~に関する声明, valued:貴重な/他をもっては代え難い, ally and friend:同盟国であり友好国, nevertheless:~にもかかわらず, be disappointed:失望する/当てがはずれる(cf.「類語:condemn, deplore, concern, regret」。ちなみに、「非難の強烈さ」において、be disappointedの度合いはcondemn, deploreよりも低いです), leadership:指導部/指導層, exacerbate:悪化させる,

constructive:建設的な, deal with:取り扱う/処理する, sensitive issue:扱いに注意を要する微妙な問題, cooperation in:~を行う上での協力関係, take note of:~を備忘録に書き留める/~について頭の中に入れている, reaffirmation:再度断言すること, commitment to:~に対する貢献/~に主体的に関わるという約束


Japan is a valued ally and friend.
Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that・・・

This defeat was widely predicted.
Nevertheless, it is disappointing.(OED)

The old system had its own flaws.
Nevertheless, it was preferable to the new one.(OED)




Japan is a valued ally and friend.
Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that・・・

次は、「be disappointed」の語感です。これ朝日新聞とかが言っているようにそんなに「強烈な不快感」を示唆するものなのかしら? その判定は第3センテンスの述語動詞(hope)と併せて考えないとよくわからない、鴨です。「怒り→要求」は連鎖ですからね。例えば、国家機密を漏洩したエドワード・スノーデン容疑者がロシアに亡命した際、このような声明をアメリカは発表しています。

We are extremely disappointed that the Russian government would take this step despite our very clear and lawful requests in public and in private to have Mr. Snowden expelled to the United States・・・. Mr. Snowden・・・should be returned to the United States as soon as possible・・・.

はい、「be extremely disappointed」
そう、「should be returned」
=「the Russian government should return」



We take note of the Prime Minister’s expression・・・


あのー、「首相の過去への反省と日本の平和への決意を再確認する表現」とは、例えば、安倍総理の談話、就中、第8と第9センテンスの「This is my conviction・・・」「I have renewed my determination・・・」を中核とする安倍談話の該当部分であろうと思いますよ。

We take note of ・・・




安倍内閣総理大臣の談話~ 恒久平和への誓い ~

(the preciousness of peace [that] Japan enjoys)

今の日本の平和と繁栄は(The peace and prosperity [that] we enjoy)、今を生きる人だけで成り立っているわけではありません。愛する妻や子どもたちの幸せを祈り、育ててくれた父や母を思いながら、戦場に倒れたたくさんの方々。その尊い犠牲の上に、私たちの平和と繁栄があります。













