

投資契約について その2

2020-12-06 21:52:14 | M&A
⑥ Drag-Along Right:米国などでは、別にIPOのみがFinancial Investorのexit戦略ではないですね。IPOの時に売出できる株式数は限定されますので、その前に創業者などが会社売却することもあります。その場合は、少数株主はDrag-Along Rightがないと困ります。この条項は、合弁契約にも入ることも多いですね。
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Article II to the contrary, at any time prior to an IPO of the Company, if (i) a bona fide firm offer has been made by an unaffiliated third party to acquire at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the Securities, on a fully diluted basis (such acquisition, a "Drag Transaction ") and (ii) the holders of Securities (the "Transferring Holders") that (A) together beneficially own at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the outstanding Shares and (B) include at least one (1) of the Founders (the "Transferring Founder(s)") accept such offer, the Transferring Founder(s) shall have the right, on behalf of the Transferring Holders, to require the Investors and their respective controlled Affiliates who beneficially own any Securities (the "Drag-Along Parties") to Transfer all or a portion of their respective Securities to the third party Transferee in such Drag Transaction, all in accordance with the following provisions:

⑦ Election of Directors:Pre-IPOで、shareholding-spreadの調整などで入るfinancial investorには取締役選任権はありませんが、比較的初期、あるいは事業拡大期には、企業育成経験やネットワークを保有する人を取締役として選任します。日本では、知見もないがめついだけの取締役を監視役として送り込もうとすることもありますので要注意ですね。
Two (2) directors shall be elected by the holders of the Preferred, voting as a separate class. One (1) director shall be elected by the holders of Common, voting as a separate class. The remaining directors shall be elected by all stockholders on an as-converted-to-Common basis.

⑧ Protective Provisions(投資家保護規定):投資家の権利や利益に影響を及ぼす事項は投資家の同意が必要という規定ですね。
Consent of the holders of at least a majority of the Preferred shall be required for any action that (i)adversely alters or changes the rights, preferences or privileges of the Preferred, (ii) increases or decreases the authorized number of shares of Common or Preferred, (iii) creates, authorizes or issues (by reclassification or otherwise) any new class or series of shares having rights, preferences or privileges equal to or senior to the Preferred, (iv) results in the redemption of any shares of Common or Preferred (other than pursuant to equity incentive agreements with service providers giving the Company the right to repurchase shares upon the termination of services)(償還), (v) results in any merger, other corporate reorganization, sale of control, or any transaction in which all or substantially all of the assets of the Company are sold,(vi) amends or waives any provision of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws relative to the Preferred, (vii) increases the authorized size of the Company's Board, or (viii) results in the payment or declaration of any dividend on any shares of Common or Preferred.

⑨ Redemption (償還条項): 償還株式にして回収を図れるようにしています。Mayつまり、要求してもよいとしていますが、こんなことしたら投資先のcash flowに重大な影響がありますので、規定としてはあっても実際行使するのは難しい場合が多いと思います。Subject to any legal restrictions on the Company's redemption of shares, beginning on the third anniversary of the Closing, the Investors may require the Company to redeem all of the outstanding shares of Preferred. The redemption price for each share of Preferred would be the Purchase Price, plus all declared but unpaid dividends thereon to the date of redemption (the "Redemption Price"). The Redemption Price would be proportionally adjusted for stock splits, stock dividends, etc. Cash payments for such redemption may be made in installments as mutually agreed upon at such time by the Company and the investors. The Company shall have 60 days after an Investor's election to redeem its shares to pay the first installment of the redemption price to the Investor.

⑩ Preemptive Rights (新株引受権): 合弁契約には出資比率に応じた新株引受権を有する旨の規定を入れますが、投資契約ではMajor Investorsだけが権利を取得するという規定が入る場合がありますね。それと従業員へのstock optionが一般的な米国では、その分は除かれるのが一般的ですね。
Investors who together with affiliates hold at least 500,000 shares of Registrable Securities (as defined below) (as adjusted to stock splits or stock dividends and the like) (the “Major Investors”) shall have a preemptive right in the event the Company proposes to offer equity securities to any person (excluding up to an aggregate of 2,000,000 shares issued pursuant to outstanding and reserved employee options from the Closing Date and other customary exclusions) to purchase their pro rata portion of such shares. For any securities not subscribed for by an eligible Major Investor, the Company must offer such securities to the other eligible Major Investors who are participating, on a pro rata basis. Such preemptive rights will terminate upon a Qualified IPO or a change of control.

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投資契約について その1

2020-12-01 20:53:10 | M&A
〇 買収契約の概要については、2013年9月28日の「買収契約(株式取得)の概要」(https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaru320/m/201309 )や2017年4月4日の「株式取得・買収契約(SPA)の構造」( https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaru320/m/b6a89e461fc36f579e9cca7de7219730) あるいは2018年11月5日の「株式買収契約(一部取得)と合弁契約」(https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaru320/m/201811 )等をご参照してください。今回は、ファイナンシャルインベスター即ち将来取得した株式を売却することを前提とする投資契約等について記載してみましょう。尚、日本のベンチャー投資については、H30.3に経済産業省が公表している「我が国における健全なベンチャー投資に係る契約の主たる留意事項」(一般社団法人日本ベンチャーキャピタル協会等)等を参考にしてみては如何でしょうか。

〇 投資契約でも、かなりの株式を取得し経営にも参画するearly stage/Hands-on型の投資、ある程度株式取得し経営に影響力を及ぼす場合から、shareholding spreadを調整するために複数のfinancial investorを入れる Pre-IPOのlater stageまで、ともかく株式取得してIPOのときとかLock-up period後、徐々に売却してreturnを狙う場合等いろいろな考え方で、また様々な株式取得割合もありますので、一概に投資契約と言っても内容は買収や経営参画を前提とした株式取得契約と構造と内容が異なる場合がありますね。例えば、投資契約でも比較的早い段階の投資では、買収契約と同じようなRepresentations & Warrantiesを入れますが、Pre-IPOではあまり入っていません。また、優先株を取得して配当優先を得ながら時期を見て普通株への転換権をつける場合も多いですね。米国のベンチャー投資では、雛形みたいな大体何を記載するかパターンが揃っています。米国ではIPOできない場合でも、取得株式を他の投資家に売却できる場合も多いですから、日本と異なり必ずしもIPOのみがfinancial investor のexit strategyではないですね。

〇投資契約で特徴的なことは、契約書だけでなく投資先の会社の定款にも反映させないといけない条項が多くあることですね。尤も過半数買収等でMajorityを握ったときに、その会社の定款にも反映させ、合弁で経営をするときにも合弁契約を反映させるための定款変更を行うこともなされますけどね。定款に反映させる主な条項は、種類株式の内容(redeemable, 普通株への転換、配当優先、残余財産分配優先)ですね。一方定款に反映させない契約事項はIPO後の例えば6か月間のlock-Up等の事項ですね。以下、投資契約に特徴的な条項を、いくつか見てみましょう。

① Dividend (優先配当条項):この条項はよく入りますね。The holders of the Preferred shall be entitled to receive noncumulative dividends, in preference to any dividend on the Common, at the rate of 10% of the Purchase Price ($0.10) per share per annum, when and as declared by the Board.

② Liquidation Preference(残余財産分配優先条項)の例:In the event of any liquidation or winding up of the Company, the holders of the Preferred shall be entitled to receive in preference to the holders of the Common a per share amount equal to the Purchase Price, plus any declared but unpaid dividends (collectively the "Liquidation Preference"). After the payment of the Liquidation Preference to the holders of the Preferred, the remaining assets shall be distributed ratably to the holders of the Common and the Preferred, on an as-converted basis, until the holders of the Preferred have received an aggregate of two times (2X) the Purchase Price. Thereafter, all remaining assets shall be distributed pro rata to the holders of Common. がめついですね、Purchase Priceの2倍よこせと言っていますが、3倍のときもあります。

③ Conversion (転換):Preferred Stockを上場することは比較的少ないので上場前に普通株への転換が行われます。優先株保有の株主が権利として持つ場合と、会社が一斉に優先株を普通株に転換する場合があります。
The holders of the Preferred shall have the right to convert the Preferred at any time into shares of Common. The initial conversion rate shall be 1:1, subject to adjustment as provided below.

④ Antidilution Provisions (希薄化防止条項): The conversion rate of the Preferred will be subject to a broad-based weighted average adjustment (based on all outstanding shares of Preferred and Common, including convertible securities) to reduce dilution in the event that the Company issues additional equity securities (other than up to an aggregate of 3,000,000 shares issued pursuant to outstanding and reserved employee options from the Closing Date and other customary exclusions) at a purchase price less than the applicable conversion price. The conversion rate will also be subject to proportional adjustment for stock splits, stock dividends, recapitalizations and the like.従業員のstock option分は除かれます。合弁契約のときの普通株のときにも入る場合もありますが、合弁のときには、新株の第三者割当増資は、既存株主全員の合意が多いですね。

⑤ Voting Right(議決権):優先株保有株主は議決権を持たないと思いがちですが、ベンチャー企業投資の場合は、保有する場合も結構あります。
The Preferred will vote together with the Common and not as a separate class except as specifically provided herein or as otherwise required by law. Each share of Preferred shall have a number of votes equal to the number of shares of Common then issuable upon conversion of such share of Preferred.

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